Manager Log

This article overviews the Smart Ops Manager Log. To read about the Classic Manager Log. 

The Smart Ops Manager Log module includes the ability to build Logbooks and Log Entries for all restaurant locations. These log entries are in place of the Notes Log Entries in the Classic Manager Log, where communication about important daily details can be entered. 

Logbooks can be used out of the box. All locations are assigned to a default logbook initially and can begin creating entries using default settings on day one. Admin or power users have the option to configure logbook settings, such as required fields, permissions, and available tags and categories for new Log Entries. New logbook templates can be created and assigned to select locations as needed.

Smart Ops Manager Log Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Manager Log Smart Ops

    • Log Entries

      • View Log Entries

      • Edit Log Entries

      • Create Log Entries

      • Delete Log Entries

    • Logbook Settings

      • View Logbook Settings

      • Edit Logbook Settings

    • Logbooks

      • View Logbooks

      • Edit Logbooks

      • Create Logbooks

      • Delete Logbooks

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

Users can open the smart ops logbook page from the classic manager log page or from Smart Ops. 

Click Logbook Entries NEW! in the Classic Manager Log module. This will open to a new Log Entry on the Log Entries page

First, navigate to Smart Ops. From the navigation menu, users can access any of the available Smart Ops Manager Log features by clicking and expanding the Manager Log section.

The Smart Ops Manager Log includes the following features:

The Logbooks page is where logbook settings can be set and logbooks can be created and managed. Logbooks need to be set and tied to locations in order for users to enter log entries for those locations. Review the following resources for more information:

The Log Entries page is where log entries are created and housed when accessing the Smart Ops Manager Log on a desktop browser. Historical log entries dictated as Notes will be saved on this page as well. Review the following resources for more information:

Users can create and view log entries in the R365 Red App. Users can jump to a filtered list from the dashboard or navigate to the Daily Logs page to access log entries. Review the following resources for more information:

All historical Log Entries dictated as notes, unless that note is in response to a task, will be transferred to the Log Entries page. When selecting 'Note' as the Log Entry in the Classic Manager Log, it will navigate users to the Log Entries page, where the note can be entered.

With this migration, it is important to note the following:

  • Mobile App. Note entries will be disabled on the R365 Classic App. Instead, notes can be entered as Log Entries in the R365 Red App.

  • Flagged Entries. Historical notes that were flagged will display a 'Must Read' priority label on the Log Entries page.

  • Linked To Types. Historical notes that were linked to an Employee record or the Daily Sales Summary will be entered as an 'Employee' or 'Sales Notes' Category, respectively. The Accounting Transactions, Fixed Asset, and Catering Event Linked to Types have been disabled. Historical Notes will appear as Log Entries but will not link to any other records in the system.

  • Custom Categories. For this initial release, custom categories will not be available. Rather, custom categories saved in the Classic Manager Log at the time of this release (February 2022) will be saved as tags. Any entries made under a custom category will be saved as an 'Uncategorized' Log Entry and include the custom category tag(s).

  • Log Entry Comments. Any comments made on a Log Entry will be listed in order of posting rather than in the parent/child structure used in the Classic Manager Log, which is demonstrated below. Historical Log Entries will include up to 5 historical notes saved on a Log Entry.

     Graphical user interface, text
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