inKind Gift Cards

R365 partners with inKind to allow your restaurant the ability to get financing through pre-selling gift cards. This essentially enables restaurants to fuel their growth in exchange for gift cards. 

For the reconciliation process for inKind, transactions made hit GL Accounts based on the following:

  • The Sales Ticket in the POS is closed out to a unique tender (i.e. inKind). This imports into R365 as a unique Payment Type and debits whichever GL Account you set up in the Payment Type Accounts. With inKind, this will likely be offsetting a loan liability account. Click here to learn more about POS Mapping.

Navigate to the Payment Type Accounts grid and open the inKind account pulled over from the POS. Update the following two fields on each record.

  1. GL Account - Update this to the corresponding Accounts Receivable GL Account

  2. Payment Group - Set the Payment Group to 'Gift Card'

When finished, save the record before closing.

When an order is received at the restaurant and paid with an inKind Gift Card, it is tendered to a unique Payment Type. Our goal is to automate this process as much as possible with the following elements:

  1. When the order is rung up in your POS system, they will choose 'inKind' for the payment on the tender screen (the Sales payment will be inKind instead of Cash, Credit Card, etc).

  2. These transactions will pull into R365 in the nightly DSS import and bring over the Payment Type account from the POS. You will need to update the record as described in the previous section.

  3. In the DSS grid, you will now see this Payment Type broken out with its corresponding GL Account detail, so as long as that tender is in the POS, it is already linked to the account in Restaurant365, which is auto-populated for you. Restaurant365 stores and updates this automatically so it will not require any User interaction to set up or manage these links between Restaurant365 and inKind transactions.