R365 Custom Financial Report Writer: Reports with Multiple Fiscal Year Structures
    • 04 Jul 2024
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    R365 Custom Financial Report Writer: Reports with Multiple Fiscal Year Structures

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    Article summary

    This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training. Click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer.

    All Custom Financial Reports rely on a Fiscal Structure to group dates by Week, Period, Quarter, and Year. The Fiscal Structure is also used to determine other values seen on Financial Reports, such as Beginning Balance and Retained Earnings, among others.

    When a Custom Financial Report is ran, R365 checks the Org Units that are included in the report in order to apply the correct Fiscal Structure for that report. However, only one Fiscal Structure can be used in a Custom Financial Report and that Fiscal Structure will then be applied to all sub-reports, or each Org Unit within a report, in that run.

    Running a Report with Differing Fiscal Structure Setups

    Consequently, if you have Entities with differing Fiscal Structures in the same year, it is recommended to always run those different entities in separate report runs. Report Packages can also help make this easier.

    Report Packages

    The same logic applies to Report Packages. With packages, each report and all of its sub-reports will be ran based on one Fiscal Structure per report. To run the same report for entities of differing Fiscal Structures all at once, it is recommended to add the same report multiple times to a package and filtering each one to the different Org Unit Entities.

    GL Detail

    Keep in mind that when the GL Detail is included with a Report Package, it also must run based on a single Fiscal Structure. Therefore, if a Report Package contains multiple reports of differing Fiscal Structures and the GL Detail is included, then it is possible for some beginning balance and Retained Earnings values to be different than expected. 

    To avoid this when including GL Detail, separate Report Packages would need to be created for each Entity of differing Fiscal Structures and ran independently by entity.

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