In order to re-poll a reconciled DSS, you will have to first reverse the steps it took to reconcile it. The steps below outline the process to complete this successfully.
Step 1: Open the Fiscal Period
If the entry was made in a closed period, you will need to re-open the period. To do so, open the listing of all Legal Entities by clicking 'Legal Entities' under 'Administration' in the Accounting module and double-click the Legal Entity tied to DSS Entry. This will open the Legal Entity record.
On the Legal Entity record, set the Closed Date to one day prior to the Date of the DSS using the date picker, and then save the record.

Step 2: Unmatch the Bank Activity
Navigate to the Bank Activity window by hovering over 'Banking' on the top ribbon and clicking 'Get Bank Activity'. Once opened, select the appropriate Bank Account, navigate to the 'Matched/Excluded' tab, find the transaction, and click 'Unmatch' next to it.

Step 3: Unapprove the Bank Deposit
Open and unapprove the necessary Bank Deposit. Then, uncheck all of the necessary items in the Bank Deposit window and finally save the Bank Deposit.

Step 4: Unapprove the Daily Sales Summary
Finally, unapprove and re-poll the Daily Sales Summary.
If the transaction was in a Closed Period and you adjusted the Closed Period date, you will need to readjust the date back to the date that was originally listed.