Troubleshoot Bank Rules Matching
    • 29 Jul 2024
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    Troubleshoot Bank Rules Matching

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    Article summary

    User-created Transaction Rules often times do not match properly due to the following reasons:

    Conditions Are Too Strict

    The Conditions on a Rule help to pinpoint the transactions that should be matched for an account. When a Condition is too strict, it limits the amount of transactions that are matched.

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    The first Condition should always start more general and be more specific for the second Condition. In the screenshot above, the first Condition 'Name Equals To' limits the matching of additional transactions because the name would always need to only display 'CABLE' to match correctly.

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    Since it is recommended to be more general with the first Condition, choose either 'Contains' or 'Starts With'. In the screenshot above, selecting 'Contains' allows all transaction names with the value 'CABLE' to be included in the initial acceptance criteria.

    The second Condition helps to specify even further about the transaction, as shown by 'Contains' and a numeric value. It is not recommended to use numeric values for the value of your condition; however, in this case, this numeric value will always contain those 5 digits for this type of transaction, allowing the 'Contains' Condition to function correctly.

    If you find one or both of your Conditions are too strict, review the differences between your current Rule and the unmatched transaction to see how you can adjust the Rule to account for it.

    The Rule's Details Do Not Match Correctly

    As recommended above, using more general Conditions can ensure that transactions match accordingly. Therefore, ensure that the Name/Comment fields are identical to the Rule. The below reviews three common errors that occur for Rules:

    1. Incorrect Condition. The name does not equal the Condition function. Adjust the Condition function to 'Contains' for transactions to match correctly.

    2. Incorrect Numbering. The name of the transaction contains the wrong numbers. Edit the name to show the correct numbers or remove the numbers to account for similar transactions.

    3. Incorrect Formatting. The name of the transaction is not exact, causing this transaction to remain 'unmatched'. Ensure that the formatting is the same for transactions to match correctly.

    An Updated Rule Did Not Save

    When updating User-created Transaction Rules, ensure that you click the 'Save' button in the top, right corner of the Transaction Rule sidesheet. Exiting this sidesheet without clicking this button will not save the changes made.

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