Administration FAQ
    • 21 Aug 2024
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    Administration FAQ

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    Article summary

    Fiscal Years

    What are the best practices for setting up Fiscal Years?

    Overall, you want to align your Fiscal Years so that there are no gaps from one year to the next. For Operational Fiscal Year setup, you want to make sure that your operational weeks start on the same weekday year over year, so you can compare Operational Weeks to prior years. For example, if your Operational Calendar starts on Mondays in 2021, then you will want to setup your Operational Year so it starts on Mondays in 2022 as well.

    Click here to view how to set up your Fiscal and Operational Years.

    GL Accounts

    Why can't I delete a GL Account?

    GL Accounts cannot be deleted from the system when they are used on a transaction or budget. However, if you are trying to delete a GL Account but are still receiving this error message, it can be due to the fact that the account is listed on a Memorized Transaction, such as a Journal Entry or AP Invoice.

    Review your Memorized Transactions and remove any GL Accounts that should be deleted. When all are updated, return back to the GL Account record and delete it.

    How do I download my Chart of Accounts from R365?

    You can easily download your Chart of Accounts from Restaurant365. To begin, click 'GL Accounts' under 'General Ledger' in the Accounting module. This will populate the window with all GL Accounts.

    In the top, left corner of the window, click the check box to select all accounts, and then click the Export button on the opposite corner of the screen. This will download an Excel file that lists all selected accounts!

    Users and Security

    User Email

    Why isn’t my email working to email Transactions, Check Stubs, or ACH files?

    If you are unable to use the ‘Email Link’ and other ‘Email’ functions within R365, it is often because your User Email Settings either need to be set up or have been entered incorrectly. If emailing from R365 worked previously, you may have recently reset your email password. You will need to update that password on your User Account to restore the email functionality. Click here for more information on Email Settings and Common SMTP Settings.

    • Note: If you have any auto-fill settings activated in your browser, you will need to deactivate auto-filling before updating your Email settings.

    If your Organization would prefer not to use third-party email addresses, emails can be sent out through a no-reply R365 email address. Click here to learn more about both Outbound Email options to determine which is best for your restaurant organization.

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