Vendor Reconciliation Detail

The Vendor Reconciliation Detail Report will run for a single Vendor as of a specific cut-off date so that a Vendor's statement can be reconciled and inconsistencies can be addressed. This report will display all the AP Transactions entered into R365 with an open/amount remaining on or before the statement date, allowing for a precise date range to view and reconcile transactions.

Unlike the Vendor Reconciliation Summary Report, this report provides a break down of an AP Payment or AP Invoice distribution when multiple accounts or Locations are expensed. Click here to see a more summarized version of this report.

To navigate to the Vendor Reconciliation Detail Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Vendors' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown.

Find 'Vendor Reconciliation Detail' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be set to pinpoint the exact report a User needs.

Report Parameters

  1. Filter By - A listing of all Location categories

  2. Filter - A listing of all Locations associated with the selected Location category 

  3. GL Date - This option will either show or hide the GL Date on the report

  4. Report Date - The date the report is ran as of 

  5. Vendor - A listing of all Vendors based on the Location(s) selected. Only one Vendor can be selected

  6. Vendor Balance - This is the total amount due to the Vendor from the statement

  7. Invoice Cut Off - The cut off for invoices. The User can enter any whole number including a negative number to indicate a number of days before or after the statement date to include invoices on the report. This will override the statement date

  8. Payment Cut Off - The cut off date for payments and Credit Memos. The User can enter any whole number including a negative number to indicate a number of days before or after the statement date to include payments and Credit Memos in the report. This will override the statement date

  9. Statement Dated - This provides the option of including a Statement Date, which is the cut off date for transaction unless specified otherwise via the other parameters

  10. Show Fully Paid Invoices Since - This option will either show or hide invoices paid on or after this date but not on or before the statement date or the invoice / payment cut off date. By default, a transaction with a $0 amount remaining will not display on the report

  11. Show Fully Applied Payments Since - This option will either show or hide invoices paid on or after this date but not on or before the statement date or the invoice / payment cut off date. By default, a transaction with a $0 amount remaining will not display on the report as an individual line

  12. Run Button - Runs the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion and selecting the desired action. Click here to learn more about this functionality

Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.

Report Columns

  1. Trx Date - The date noted on the transaction

  2. GL Date - The date the invoice. Only the AP Invoice has a GL Date while the GL Date for an AP Payment and a Credit Memo is also the Trx Date

  3. Number - The number assigned by the Vendor or the Payment number assigned by R365. This is hyperlinked to the transaction

  4. Transaction Type - The type of transaction assigned in R365 (AP Payment, AP Invoice, or AP Credit Memo)

  5. Legal Entity Name - The name of the Legal Entity assigned to the Location on the header of the transaction

  6. Account Number - The number assigned to the GL Account

  7. Account Name - The name of the GL Account used on the first line of the GL distribution. When there are more than one GL Account, 'Multiple' will be displayed

  8. Location Number - The number assigned to this Location

  9. Location Name - The name of the Location on the first line of the transaction. When there is more than one Location on the transaction, 'Multiple' will be displayed

  10. Location Amt - This is the amount for a Location when multiple accounts and/or Locations are expensed by one invoice. These are the amounts distributed by Location

  11. Invoice Amount - The amount of the invoice

  12. Payment Amt - The amount paid. This will differ based on its transaction type. If it's an AP Invoice, then this is the total amount of applied payments using the cut off date. If it's an AP Payment, then this is the total amount of the unapplied payment 

  13. Date Paid - The date the Payment or Credit Memo is applied to the invoice

  14. Payment Ref - This is the R365 (document number) assigned to the payment or credit memo

  15. Applied Amt - This is the portion of the Payment or Credit Memo that is applied to this invoice

  16. Amount Remaining (Date) - This is the open amount of the transaction as of the cut off date. When the amount remaining is for a Payment or Credit Memo, the amount will be negative (1.00) and red in color

  17. Current Amt Remaining - This is the open amount of the transaction as the date the report is ran

  18. Running Total - The Amount Remaining as a running total

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.