Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet displays a company’s financial position by presenting account balances according to the Fiscal Calendar structure. Users can select from the report type options to compare balance sheet details for a specific time frame, location, legal entity, or period.

Retained earnings are included based on net profit for the selected date to provide a clearer view of financial position.

The report types provide a more detailed view of balances by displaying data by period, legal entity, location and other criteria. Available report types include:

The Balance Sheet report is found on the Financial tab of My Reports.

  1. Navigate to My Reports.
  2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select the Financial tab.

  3. Locate the Balance Sheet report.

  4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters before running the report.
    - or -
    Select Run to run the report with the default report parameters.




Report Type

The organization of the Balance Sheet. Report types include:


Filter By

Filter options for the report:



A list of filter options, determined by the 'Filter By' category selected (#1).


As Of

The date the balances are labeled as of.


Detail Level

Detail - breaks down Parent accounts into their specified child accounts (ex. Inventory (P) --> Food (C), Produce (C), Dairy (C), ect.)

Summary- includes all child Accounts in one parent account total amount.


Account View

Name -alphabetically organizes GL accounts.

Number Then Name - includes the GL account number and organizes by GL Account number.


Hide $0 Balances

No - Displays all accounts - including GL accounts that have a balance of zero.

Yes - Hides all GL accounts that have a balance of zero.
Yes Show $0 Parents - Displays parent accounts with a balance of zero, but hides all other GL accounts that have a balance of zero.



No Rounding - Include decimal values.

Whole Numbers - Rounds decimal values to the nearest whole number.


Show Unapproved

No - Excludes unapproved transactions from the report results.

Yes - Includes unapproved transactions in report results.


View Options

This section provides options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.



Generates the report. Click the down arrow to the right of the Run button to export, email, or print the report.

Report columns vary depending on the Report Type that is selected in the report parameters.



GL Type/GL Account

A list of GL Types and GL accounts with the following GL Types:

  • Assets

  • Liabilities

  • Equity

The GL accounts displayed are determined by the options selected for ‘Detail’ and ‘Hide $0 Balances’ in the report parameters.


The year to date balances of each Parent and Child Account



GL Type/GL Account

A list of GL Types and GL accounts with the following GL Types:

  • Assets

  • Liabilities

  • Equity

The GL accounts displayed are determined by the options selected for ‘Detail’ and ‘Hide $0 Balances’ in the report parameters.

Legal Entity Columns

The legal entities selected in the report parameters and the total balances for each GL Account.



GL Type/GL Account

A list of GL Types and GL accounts with the following GL Types:

  • Assets

  • Liabilities

  • Equity

The GL accounts displayed are determined by the options selected for ‘Detail’ and ‘Hide $0 Balances’ in the report parameters.

Location Columns

The locations selected in the report parameters and the total balances for each GL Account.



GL Type/GL Account

A list of GL Types and GL accounts with the following GL Types:

  • Assets

  • Liabilities

  • Equity

The GL accounts displayed are determined by the options selected for ‘Detail’ and ‘Hide $0 Balances’ in the report parameters.

Period Columns

The periods as of the selected date range in the report parameters and the total balances for each GL Account.



GL Type/GL Account

A list of GL Types and GL accounts with the following GL Types:

  • Assets

  • Liabilities

  • Equity

The GL accounts displayed are determined by the options selected for ‘Detail’ and ‘Hide $0 Balances’ in the report parameters.

Location Columns

The twelve periods that follow the selected date range and their amounts side-by-side.

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window.Learn more about how to send, export, or print this report.