R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Creating Reports
    • 04 Jul 2024
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    R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Creating Reports

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    Article summary

    This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training on building reports using the R365 Financial Report Writer.

    The Custom Financial Reports page, located in the Reports section of both Accounting and Operations, allows users to view, create, and edit custom financial reports. For information about the fields and controls on this page, see Custom Financial Reports page.

    The R365 Financial Report Writer comes with several example templates and reports that can be used immediately after the service is enabled and provisioned. Templates grant the ability to save a specific set of parameters as a report. By default, when a new template is created, a corresponding report is also created, which can be modified as needed. Click here for more information about templates.

    Creating a Report

    Each template automatically creates a corresponding report, but reports can also be created manually by clicking Create Report on the Template list.Click here to learn more about Combination Reports.

    While each unique report contains its own set of parameters, you can also edit these parameters before running the report. For more information, see Running Reports.

    On the Custom Financial Reports page, select Create Report.
    The Create new report prompt appears.

    Select the template from which to build the new report.
    The report side sheet appears next to the reports list.

    If the template does not yet exist, select Create New Template to create a new template for the report.

    In the Report Nameline, edit the name of the report as desired.
    By default, the name of the report is the template name with a copy number in parentheses. 

    On the Org Units tab, select each branch of the organizational structure on which to report and then choose how the report(s) will be organized when generated. Options include:

    • Individual Reports - Creates a separate report for each selected organizational unit. This option is selected by default.

    • Consolidated Report - Generates a single report for all selected organizational units.

    • Consolidated + Individual Reports - Generates both a consolidated report and individual reports for each selected organizational unit.

    By default, all branches are selected. Expand rows to drill down. Users can also use the Search bar to locate specific locations or legal entities.

    On the Filters tab, create any additional filters that should be applied to the report.

    On the Settings tab, select additional settings options. For more information, see Report Settings.

    Select Save.
    The new report appears in the reports list on the Custom Financial Reports page.

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