Item Location Records
    • 11 Jul 2024
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    Item Location Records

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    Article summary

    Item Location Records store Location-specific information for Purchased Items or Recipe Items that require Location-specific Inventory Units of Measure, Sale Prices, or Sale Price Types. 

    Most fields on the Item Location Record are optional. Only fields that are unique to the specified Location should be defined. The information from the parent Purchased Item Record or parent Recipe Item Record will be used for any field left undefined. 

    Item Location Records can be created and linked to existing Purchased Items or Recipe Items, or created per Location from the Purchased Item Record or the Recipe Item Record on the 'Location Settings' tab. 

    General Tab

    The General tab is available for both Purchased Items and Recipe Items. 

    1. Item - The Item that the Item Location is linked to

      • When creating a new Item Location, click to choose an Item from the drop-down menu to link to

    2. Location - The Restaurant Location the Item Location is linked to. Only Locations with a Commissary and Restaurant Location Type will appear in this listing. Learn more about Location Types on a Location Record here.

    3. Inventory UofM - The first Inventory Unit this Location uses on its Inventory Counts

      For Recipe Items, this filed is only displayed if the Item is marked as 'Available in Inventory' on the Recipe Item Record

    4. Count UofM 2 - The second Inventory Unit this Location uses on its Inventory Counts

      For Recipe Items, this filed is only displayed if the Item is marked as 'Available in Inventory' on the Recipe Item Record

    5. Count UofM3- The third Inventory Unit this Location uses on its Inventory Counts

      For Recipe Items, this filed is only displayed if the Item is marked as 'Available in Inventory' on the Recipe Item Record

    6. Selling UofM - The UofM used when selling the Item at this Location. 

      This field is only displayed for Items that have been marked as 'Available in AR' on the Purchased Item Record or Recipe Item Record.

    7. Price Type - The type used to calculate the Sale Price of the Item. 

      • See the Sale Item section below for additional information on Price Types and Sale Price settings

      • This field is only displayed for Items that have been marked as 'Available in AR' on the Purchased Item Record or Recipe Item Record.

    8. Log Prep - This checkbox is only displayed for Recipe Items, and will be checked for each Recipe Item Location where the 'Prepped' checkbox was initially checked on the source Recipe. When checked, the Last Prepped Cost will be used on Inventory Counts until the next Prep is updated. Therefore, this Recipe Item Location will be available on the Prep Log

    Ingredients Tab

    The Ingredients tab is only available for Recipe Items, displaying the cost of Recipe Ingredients for the Location itself.

    This tab is read-only.

    1. Ingredient - The Purchased Item or Recipe Item used as an Ingredient in the Recipe. Click to open the associated Item Record.

    2. Qty - Quantity of the Ingredient included in the Recipe

    3. U of M - Unit of Measure used for the Ingredient 

    4. Yield - Yield of the Ingredient

    5. Instructions - Instructions for the Ingredient

    6. Batch Cost - The current cost per batch required to prepare this Recipe at this Location 

    7. Portion Cost - The current cost per portion required to prepare this Recipe at this Location. 

    Sales Items

    Items that are marked as 'Available in AR' on the Purchased Item Record or Recipe Item Record can have their Selling UofM or Price Type defined for the selected Location. 

    These fields only need to be configured if the settings for the Location differ from the settings on the Item Record. 

    Depending on the Price Type chosen, additional fields may need to be configured.

    • Use Price on Item - This is the default setting; the price listed on the 'Sales' tab of the Item Record will be used.

    • Set $ Amount - Enter a set dollar amount in the 'Price (selling)' field for the selling price of the Sales Item. Each time the Sales Item is added to an AR Invoice or Commissary Order, it will use the set price

    • Cost % Markup - Enter a Markup Percent for the Selling Price of the Item. This option should only be used on Purchased Items that are also set as AR Sales Items or Commissary Items, as the Inventory Cost is set on the Purchased Item Record and can therefore be used to calculate the Cost % Markup value. When properly used, the Inventory Cost value will be multiplied by the Markup Percent value, then added to the Inventory Cost value to get the Selling Price. For example: Inventory Cost = $100, Cost % Markup = 15%, Selling Price = (100 * .15) + 100 = $115

      The 'Price (selling)' field is view-only when this Price Type is chosen, and will display the calculated Selling price. 

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