Mobile Request Task

The Requests tasks section lists all tasks related to schedule and transfer requests. Requests tasks are automatically added to the Requests section when an item transfer, availability change, shift offer, shift trade, or time off request is submitted.

Once the requests have been addressed (approved or denied), they will be removed from the list.

Task Management is an add-on to Operations. Please contact your Sales Representative to learn how the Task Management add-on can enhance your R365 experience.




Location Selector

Selects the location for the guide tasks listed. The list of tasks will only reflect the guides that have been assigned to the selected location.



The search bar searches the list of tasks for a specific task. The filter option filters the task list based on a selected filter. Users can filter by any of the following:

  • Due Date

  • Due Time

  • Tags

  • Completed By

  • Status

  • Chronological Sort


Request Type

The request type along with the number of request in the list.

Tapping a request type will open the list of requests that need to be addressed.



Individual request that must be addressed. Each lists the request as well as the days until the request is due. Past due requests will have days in red and indicate the number of days that the request is past due.

Schedule requests are listed as follows: ‘[Employee Name] requested [Schedule Request Type].’

Tapping a request will open the task screen.


Guide Tasks

Navigates to the list of guide tasks.

Learn more about the Guide tasks screen.


Upcoming Task

Navigates to the list of upcoming tasks. These are tasks that are due in the near future that are open and available for users to access. Users can complete these tasks ahead of time to get ahead of their work.

Learn more about the Upcoming tasks screen.


Request Task

Navigates to the list of all request tasks. These are all active schedule and transfer requests.

When a request task is open users will see the following information:



Request Name

The name assigned to the task.

  • Item transfer requests will be named: ‘Item Transfer approval needed.’

  • Schedule requests will be named: ‘[Employee Name] requested [Schedule Request Type].’


The day the request is due.


The date that the request was created.

R365 Action

Where users can be guided through the request approval/denial process.

At this time, the Guide Me button is disabled for request tasks.  Mobile Task Management capabilities are expected to expand over the course of 2024 and 2025. For now, users can complete requests outside of My Tasks or via the web version of R365.


Where users can leave comments or notes about the task.

As of Q3 2024, users can complete request tasks outside of the My Tasks module. Read more about completing a task via mobile.