The Employee Shift Sign Off report lists all of an employee’s punches for a selected time period and provides signoff lines for acknowledging shifts and receipt of their paycheck. This report can also group shifts by location or job without the signoff lines. 


The Employee Shift Sign Off report is located on the Labor tab of My Reports.

  1. Navigate to My Reports.
  2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select the Labor tab.

  3. Locate the Employee Shift Sign Off report.
  4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters before running the report.

    - or -

    Select Run to run the report with the default report parameters.

Report Parameters



Filter By


Filter options for the report:

  • Location
  • Legal Entity
  • Location Group
  • Reporting Categories

2FilterA list of filter options, determined by the 'Filter By' category selected (#1).
3StartFirst date for which to pull data for the report. The 'Start' and 'End' parameters create the date range for which data is generated. The report then displays data for all dates within the date range, including the start and end dates.



Last date for which to pull data for the report. The 'Start' and 'End' parameters create the date range for which data is generated. The report then displays data for all dates within the date range, including the start and end dates.




Filters the report to only include shifts associated with the selected job(s).

6EmployeeFilters the report to only include shifts associated with the selected employee(s).


Group By


Determines the style of the generated report:

Location - Shifts are grouped and displayed on separate pages by location. All employees who have a primary job associated with the location(s) selected are included on the report.

Employee - Shifts are grouped and displayed on separate pages by employee. Each employee report will have signoff lines.

Job - Shifts are grouped and displayed on separate pages by job. All employees who have the job(s) selected as a primary job are included on the report

8View OptionsThis section provides options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.
9RunGenerates the report.

Grouped By Employee


1Report Date RangeDates included in the report.
2Payroll ID

The employee’s payroll ID as it appears in the Payroll ID/Legacy Payroll ID field on their employee record.

Note: This field will be blank if the employee does not have a payroll ID.

3EmployeeEmployee associated with the punches.
4Primary LocationEmployee’s primary location.
5Primary Job Name

Employee’s primary job.

Note: This field will be blank if the employee does not have a primary job.

Punch Detail

Column TitleDescription
Business DateDate of the shift.
StoreLocation of the shift.
Job Title

Job associated with the shift.

Punch TimingIn punch and out punch of the shift.

Total hours including Reg, OT, and DT.

RegRegular hours for the shift.
OTOvertime hours for the shift
DTDoubletime hours for the shift.
ModifiedIndicates if the punch was edited in R365.

Employee Signoff Footer

At the bottom of each employee’s listed shifts are two signoff lines; a shift signoff and a paycheck signoff. Both are listed in English and Spanish.

1Shift SignoffI have reviewed the hours above and agree that it accurately reflects when I worked. I understand that I do not need to sign this report to receive my pay. If you think you have not been paid for all hours, please contact your manager or HR.He revisado las horas anteriores y estoy de acuerdo en que reflejan con precisión cuándo trabajé. Entiendo que no necesito firmar este informe para recibir mi pago. Si cree que no le han pagado todas las horas, comuníquese con su gerente o HR.
2Paycheck SignoffI have received my paycheck.He recibido mi cheque de pago.

Grouped by Location or Job

Punch Detail

Business DateDate of the shift.

Location of the shift.

Payroll ID

The employee’s payroll ID as it appears in the Payroll ID/Legacy Payroll ID field on their employee record.

Note: This field will be blank if the employee does not have a payroll ID.

Job TitleJob associated with the shift.
Punch TimingIn punch and out punch of the shift.
TotalTotal hours including Reg, OT, and DT.
RegRegular hours for the shift.
OTOvertime hours for the shift
DTDoubletime hours for the shift.
ModifiedIndicates if the punch was edited in R365.

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.