The Draft Transaction sidesheet in Restaurant365's Documents to Process feature serves as an interface where users can review and edit transactions before they are finalized and posted into the Accounting system. This sidesheet is a crucial tool in Restaurant365’s workflow, providing transparency and control over financial transactions before they impact the organization’s financial records. Using this tool helps ensure accuracy, compliance, and efficient processing of transaction data.

Users access Draft Transaction sidesheet enter or verify information on an uploaded document, such as an AP invoice or credit memo. While information can be entered and reviewed manually, R365 offers two unique add-on features to streamline this process:

  • AP Capture Pro - Let us do the work for you! With AP Capture Pro, the R365 Data Entry Team enters and reviews AP transactions, ensuring data accuracy while saving you time. 
  • AP Capture AI - This advanced tool uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to automate AP invoice processing, saving valuable time and resources. When using AP Capture AI, if a field is not matched automatically, the tool filters the drop-down to display potential matches, making it easier for users to locate and select the correct option from the list. 

The Draft Transaction sidesheet is comprised of three major components:

Note: If Entry Instructions are available for the vendor, these instructions appear at the bottom of this section. Entry instructions are entered on the Vendor record and can be especially helpful when used with services such as AP Capture Pro and AP Capture AI.

Controls and General Information

1Needs VerificationIndicates that there is an issue with the document that requires the user to make a correction, such as a missing vendor.
2AttachAllows the user to attach an existing transaction to the document.
3Save DraftSaves changes to the draft without creating the transaction.
4CreateCreates the transaction. This button is only available if the Invoice Total in the General Information section matches the Total in the Details section.

Note: For AP Capture AI users, when selected, the resulting drop-down offers the Create and Open option. Select Create and Open to create the transaction and open the transaction record in a new tab.
5CloseCloses the Draft Transaction side sheet.
6General Information tabThe General Information tab or section is used to enter important information about the document so that a transaction can be created.
When not in Split View, users can select the Attachment tab to access the Attachment Viewer and review the document. When in Split View, the General Information section and the Attachment Viewer appear side by side.
7Attachment tabWhen not in Split View, users can select the Attachment tab to access the Attachment Viewer and review the document. When in Split View, the General Information section and the Attachment Viewer appear side by side.
8Review OCR MappingOpens the Review OCR Mapping page, where users with access to the AP Capture AI add-on and permissions to Edit OCR Mappings can instruct the system on how to map information in the document to fields in the General Information and Details sections.
7LocationLocation associated with the invoice.

Note: When using AP Capture AI, both the Ship To name and the Ship To address are used to verify the location. This allows the tool to correctly distinguish between locations that have the same name.
8Payment TermsTerms of payment agreed upon by the organization and the vendor. Unless otherwise specified, this field matched the Payment Terms assigned on the Vendor Record.
9VendorVendor who sent the AP invoice or credit memo.
10Invoice TotalTotal amount due on the invoice. This number should match the Total of all line items in the Details section.
11Invoice NumberNumber assigned to the invoice by the vendor.
12Credit ExpectedUsed to document credit due on the transaction, if any.
13Due DateDate when payment is due.

Note: When using AP Capture AI, if no due date appears on the document, a due date is automatically calculated based on the Payment Terms.
14Invoice DateDate on the invoice. This is usually the date when the invoice was issued by the vendor.
15Expand / CollapseShow or hide the General Information section.


1SearchFilters the table to display items matching the search criteria that is entered into the field.
2Item / Account informationDisplays information for each item or account on the invoice. Columns differ depending on whether By Account or By Item is selected in the Entry field of the vendor record. Users can link any unlinked items as needed directly from this table.

An alert icon indicates that the item price differs from the price on previous invoices. Hover over the alert icon to view variance details.
3Add GL Account / Add ItemAdds a new line to the table where users can enter any line items that were not captured by the system.

Note: The name of this button varies depending on the Entry method selected on the Vendor record.
4TotalTotal amount due on the invoice. This number should match the Invoice Total in the General Information section.

Split View

1Review OCR MappingOpens the Review OCR Mapping page where users can instruct the system on how to map any items that were mapped incorrectly.
2Close Split ViewCloses the Attachment Viewer.
3Expand / CollapseAllows users to show or hide the page navigation pane. The page navigation pane is useful for documents with multiple pages. If a user is viewing a one-page document or is viewing the document on a smaller screen, it might be beneficial to hide this feature.
4PagesShows the number of the selected page and the total number of pages in the document.
5ZoomMakes the document larger or smaller in the Attachment Viewer.
  • ( - ) Zoom out
  • ( + ) Zoom in
6Fit to screenAdjusts the zoom so that the width of the page fits the width of the Attachment Viewer.
7RotateRotates the document by 90°.
8DownloadDownloads the document to the user's device.
9PrintOpens the Print options window on the user's browser or device.
10View optionsExpands a menu that contains additional actions, including:
  • Two page view - If selected, the zoom is adjusted so that the width of two pages fits the width of the Attachment Viewer.
  • Annotations - If selected, any comments attached to the document appear in the Attachment Viewer.
  • Present - Opens the document in full screen mode.
    This feature is disabled in Documents to Process.
  • Document properties - Opens the properties window for the document, where users can view information related to the file.