Tasks Dashboard
    • 02 Oct 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Tasks Dashboard

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    Article summary

    This article is part of Task Management and covers the Task Dashboard. 

    The Task Dashboard shows users a high-level overview of task completion performance at the user's location(s). The dashboard shows the number of guide tasks and request tasks that are overdue, due today, or that were not completed. It also shows the guide task history by day, including the total and available guide tasks completed. 

    The data on the dashboard can be filtered by location, assignee, or task tag. 

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    The task dashboard can be accessed by clicking Tasks Dashboard from under Task Management in the left navigation menu.

    A screenshot of a task management  Description automatically generated

    Task Dashboard

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated




    Location Selector

    Filters the Task Dashboard data by location. Users can select one, multiple, or all locations from this selector. The data shown on the dashboard will reflect the tasks that are assigned to the selected location(s). 

    By default, if the user has access to more than 150 locations in the dropdown, there will be one location selected. This will be the first location on the list.

    If the user has access to less than or equal to 150 locations in the dropdown, all locations will be selected by default.


    Assignee Selector

    Filters the Task Dashboard data by assignee. Users can select one, multiple, or all assignees. Assignees may be individual users or user roles. The data shown on the dashboard will reflect the tasks that were assigned to the selected user(s)/user role(s).

    From this selector, users can also select Unassigned, which will show the data based on the unassigned tasks. 


    Tags Selector

    Filters the Task Dashboard data by tag. Users can select one, multiple, or all tags. The data shown on the dashboard will reflect the tasks that have been assigned the selected tag(s).

    From this selector, users can also select No Tag, which will show the data based on the tasks that have no tag assignments. 


    Guide Tasks Info

    Shows the guide task information. This includes the following:

    • Number of overdue guide tasks

    • Number of guide tasks due today

    • Number of guide tasks that failed and were not completed

    Clicking a number in this section will drilldown on the value, opening a detailed breakdown of the tasks that factor into the value.


    Request Tasks Info

    Shows the request task information. This includes the following:

    • Number of overdue request tasks

    • Number of request tasks due today

    • The total number of request tasks

    Clicking a number in this section will drilldown on the value, opening a detailed breakdown of the tasks that factor into the value.


    Guide Task History Bar Graph

    The guide task history represented by a bar graph. The dates represented will be at the top of the graph.

    The graph details are as follows:

    • The horizontal axis shows dates. 

    • The vertical axis shows the number of tasks. 

    • Green represents completed tasks. 

    • Light gray represents tasks that have been assigned but are not yet completed.

    Hovering over a bar section will show users the exact number of tasks completed or assigned as well as the date.

    A green and white rectangle with a black arrow pointing to a black square with white text  Description automatically generated

    The graph, by default shows the last 7 days. However, users can change this using the date selector in the right corner of the graph.


    Date Selection

    Selects the date parameter for the bar graph. Users can select from the following options:

    • Last 7 Days - The last 7 business days, including the current business day.  

    • Week - The current week according to the operational calendar configured in R365.

    • Period - The current period according to the operational calendar configured in R365.  


    Available Completed

    Percent of available tasks that have been completed. 



    Number of overdue tasks. 



    Number of expired tasks.


    Total Completed

    Percent of total tasks that have been completed. 


    Guide Task History Table

    Information from the Guide Task History shown in table form. This table lists each selected location along with the following columns:

    • Total Tasks

    • Completed 

    • Due

    • Overdue

    • Expired

    • Completion Rate

    As with most smart grids, this table also allows users to perform the following functions:

    •   - Search for specific keywords.

    •  - Save/edit table views.

    •  - Show, hide, or reorganize columns columns.

    •  - Edit row height to be smaller or larger. This function is accessible from the menu .

    •   - Export the table to a .csv file. This function is accessible from the menu .

    •  - Refresh. This function is accessible from the menu .

    Drill Down on Tasks

    Users can drill down on the values shown in the Guide Tasks or Request Tasks information panels by clicking any number from either section. Drilling down on a value will show users additional details associated with the value. Learn more about drilling down on tasks on the Task Dashboard here.

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