30-Minute Forecasts & 15-Minute Forecasts
    • 14 Nov 2024
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    30-Minute Forecasts & 15-Minute Forecasts

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    Article summary

    This article reviews 30-minute forecasts and 15-minute forecasts within Weekly Forecasting and Scheduling

    The 30 and 15-minute forecasts are only available in Weekly Forecasting.


    Only users with the following permissions will be able to access the 30-minute and/or 15-minute views on the Weekly Forecasting page and Scheduling Calendar:

    Sales & Cash → Forecasts → Weekly Forecasting → Daily Forecasts → 

    • View by 15 minute

    • View by 30 minute

    Weekly Forecasting Page

    Both 30-minute forecasts and 15-minute forecasts add sub-view options to the 'Day View' of the Weekly Forecasting page.

    30-Minute Forecasts

    With 30-minute forecasts, the 'Day View' can be switched between 'Hour' and '30 Min' sub-views on the left-hand side, above the projected sales forecast. Forecasts can be adjusted at either level. Adjustments made at the hour level are distributed to the 30-minute level, weighted by the historical sales for each increment. 

    When '30 Min' is selected, the day's forecast is displayed per 30-minute increment.

    15-Minute Forecasts

    With 15-minute forecasts, the 'Day View' can be switched between 'Hour', '30 Min', and '15 Min' sub-views on the left-hand side, above the projected sales forecast. Forecasts can be adjusted at all levels. Adjustments made at the hour or 30-minute level are distributed to the 15-minute level, weighted by the historical sales for each increment.

    When '15 Min' is selected, the day's forecast is displayed per 15-minute increment.

    Cycling Through Displayed Increments

    With 30-minute and/or 15-minute views, clicking on time intervals in the header of day view will cycle through hour, 30-min, and 15-min breakdowns.

    • Clicking on an hour interval expands to 30-min view.

    • Clicking on a 30-min interval expands to 15-min view.

    • Clicking on a 15-min interval returns to hour view.

    Scheduling Calendar

    Both 30-minute forecasts and 15-minute forecasts add sub-view options to the 'Day View' of the Scheduling Calendar.

    30-Minute Scheduling

    With 30-minute forecasts, the Schedule Calendar's 'Day View' can be switched between 'Hour' and '30 Min' sub-views on the right-hand side, above the schedule. Schedules can be adjusted at either level. 

    When '30 Min' is selected, the day's schedule and advanced metrics are displayed per 30-minute increment.

    15-Minute Scheduling

    With 15-minute forecasts, the Schedule Calendar's 'Day View' can be switched between 'Hour', '30 Min', and '15 Min' sub-views on the right-hand side, above the schedule. Schedules can be adjusted at all levels. 

    When '15 Min' is selected, the day's schedule and advanced metrics are displayed per 15-minute increment.

    Cycling Through Displayed Increments

    With 30-minute and/or 15-minute views, clicking on the hour interval in the header of day view will cycle through hour, 30-min, and 15-min breakdowns.

    • Clicking on an hour interval expands to 30-min view.

    • Clicking on a 30-min interval expands to 15-min view.

    • Clicking on a 15-min interval returns to hour view.

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