Barcode Scanning Logs and Transfers
    • 09 Aug 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read
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    Barcode Scanning Logs and Transfers

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    Article summary

    This article is part of barcode scanning and covers scanning items onto waste logs, donation logs, and item transfers.

    Barcode scanning links barcodes to purchased items in R365. When entering waste logs, donations logs, or item transfers, users can save time by using the camera on their mobile device to scan purchased itemsonto the log or transfer. When a barcode that is mapped to a purchased/recipe item is scanned, users will be prompted to enter a quantity for the item so that it can be added to the log entry or item transfer form. This feature also allows users to map new Barcodes to previously unmapped Items.

    Barcodes can be managed via web. From the web version of R365, users can do the following:

    Barcode Scanning is an add-on feature. Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how Barcode Scanning can enhance your R365 Experience!


    To utilize barcode scanning with waste logs, donations logs, or item transfers, users will need permissions required to access the respective features.  The permissions listed below are associated with waste logs, donation logs, and item transfers:

    • Food

      • Donations

        • View Donations

        • View Donations Distributions

        • Edit Donations

        • Edit Donations Each Amounts

        • Create Donations

      • Waste Logs

        • View Waste Logs

        • View Waste Log Distributions

        • Edit Waste Logs

        • Edit Waste Log Each Amounts

        • Create Waste Logs

      • Item Transfers

        • View Item Transfers

        • View Item Transfer Distributions

        • Edit Item Transfers

        • Edit Item Transfer Detail Amounts

        • Create/Send Item Transfers

    These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

    Barcode Scanning Waste Logs and Donations Logs

    Users can utilize barcode scanning to scan purchased items onto waste logs or donation logs. Scanning items onto log entries instead of manual entry allows for more accurate item entry. 

    Users can access barcode scanning for log entries from the log's add item tab. To open the barcode scanner and begin scanning for either waste logs or donation logs, follow these steps:


    Open the waste logs or donation logs by tapping Waste Logs or Donation Logs from the mobile navigation menu


    This will open to the waste logs/donation logs In Progress tab. Users can either tap an existing waste/donation log to open a previously created log or tap the +New Log button to create a new log.


    When an existing log is opened, users can tap the +Add Item button.

    When a new log is created, users should follow the system prompts for creating a new waste log or donation log, entering items on step 2.


    Users will be prompted to select whether to enter items manually or by scanning barcodes. To access the barcode scanner, tap scan barcode.


    This will open the barcode scanner, and users can aim the device camera at the selected barcode to scan the item onto the log.


    Once a linked item is scanned, users will be prompted to complete the item information. This pop out requires users to enter a quantity for the item. For donations, users can also select a reason type.


    After entering a quantity, tap Add Item to add the item to the log.


    Users will be prompted to confirm whether they'd like to continue scanning or finish scanning.

    Tapping Yes will open the mobile device camera scanner. Tapping No will return the user to the log's item list.


    Once completed, the item(s) will then be added to the waste or donation log, and users can proceed with their waste/donation log as needed.

    Barcode Scanning Item Transfers

    Users can utilize barcode scanning to scan purchased items onto item transfers. Scanning items onto item transfer forms instead of manual entry allows for more accurate item entry. 

    Users can access barcode scanning for item transfers from the transfer's add item tab. To open the barcode scanner and begin scanning onto item transfers, follow these steps:


    Open the transfers screen by tapping Between Store Transfers from the mobile navigation menu.


    This will open the Transfers screen to the To-Do tab. To open an item transfer form, users can either tap an in-progress transfer to edit an existing item transfer form or tap the +New Transfer button at the bottom of the screen to create a new item transfer.


    Navigate to the items screen.

    • From a new item transfer, first complete step 1 and then tap continue to proceed.

    • From an existing in-progress item transfer, tap the items tab.


    From the items screen, tap the +Add Item button.


    Users will be prompted to select whether to enter items manually or by scanning barcodes. To access the barcode scanner, click scan barcode.


    This will open the barcode scanner, and users can aim the device camera at the selected barcode to scan the item onto the log.


    Once a linked item is scanned, users will be prompted to complete the item information. This pop out requires users to enter a quantity for the item.


    After entering a quantity, tap Add Item to add the item to the transfer.


    Users will be prompted to confirm whether they'd like to continue scanning or finish scanning.

    Tapping Yes will open the mobile device camera scanner. Tapping No will return the user to the transfer's item list.


    The item(s) will then be added to the transfer, and the user can proceed.

    Barcode Not Found

    When an unlinked barcode is scanned, users may encounter the 'Barcode not found' message. Users will need to cancel or link the barcode to an item to proceed. To read more about linking barcodes to items, click here

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