This article reviews common payroll issues within Workforce and the recommended steps to resolve them.
Payroll Corrections List
TIN Correction
The employee's TIN was incorrect.
Notify the Employee to correct their TIN via the 'My Pay' section of the R365 Mobile App.
Submit a TIN correction request to R365 Support with the following information:
Payroll Company name
Employee's name as it appears on their Employee Record
Correct TIN
W-2C Request (for prior year correction)
R365 will amend all applicable federal, state, and local filings.
Paper Paycheck Was Not Issued
The employee's paper paycheck was not issued and the associated payment needs to be voided and removed from their payment history.
Submit a void paycheck request to R365 Support with the following information:
Payroll Company name
Employee's name as it appears on their Employee Record
Pay date(s) that need to be voided
W-2C Request (for prior year void)
R365 will amend all applicable federal, state, and local filings.
Earning Type Incorrect - Amount Correct
The earning type associated with an earning on a prior period payment was incorrect. The amount does not need to be changed.
Submit an earning type correction request to R365 Support with the following information:
Payroll Company name
Employee's name as it appears on their Employee Record
Pay date(s) that need to be corrected
Earning type to be corrected
Correct earning type
Earnings Paid Outside of the System
Employee has received payment outside of the system for earnings. Historical data needs to be updated.
Submit a post-only payment request to R365 Support with the following information:
Payroll Company name
Employee's name as it appears on their Employee Record
Pay date(s) that need to be corrected
Earning type of the correction
Correction amount
W-2C Request (for prior year correction)
R365 will amend all applicable federal, state, and local filings.
If the employee received payment outside of the system and those earnings need to be included in the current payment for tax calculations, those earnings can be added through a one-time payment marked as ‘Already Paid’. This process is frequently used for previously paid tips.
Employee Accidentally Paid
The full amount of a paycheck issued to the employee was an overpayment.
If the incorrect payment is in the current quarter, negative earnings are allowed by all jurisdictions associated with the employee, and the employee is not separated:
Correct overpayment through negative earnings.
Confirm that applying negative earnings to the employee’s payment is allowed by all jurisdictions associated with the employee.
Contact the employee and arrange for an earning correction.
Add a new earning for the same earning type and job with a negative amount to the employee’s payment details prior to approving the associated pay run.
If the correction is not in the current quarter, if negative earnings are not allowed by all jurisdictions associated with the employee, or the employee is separated:
Correct overpayment through R365 Support.
Contact the employee and arrange for them to repay the net amount.
After the employee has repaid the net amount, submit a void paycheck request to R365 Support with the following information:
Payroll Company name
Employee's name as it appears on their Employee Record
Pay date(s) that need to be voided
W-2C Request (for prior year void)
R365 will amend all applicable federal, state, and local filings.
Earning Amount Overpayment - Employee Has Received Payment
One or more of the earning amounts in a processed payment was an overpayment and the employee has already received the payment.
If the incorrect payment is in the current quarter, negative earnings are allowed by all jurisdictions associated with the employee, and the employee is not separated:
Correct the overpayment through negative earnings.
Confirm that applying negative earnings to the employee’s payment is allowed by all jurisdictions associated with the employee.
Contact the employee and arrange for an earning correction.
Add a new earning for the same earning type and job with a negative amount to the employee’s payment details prior to approving the associated pay run.
If the correction is not in the current quarter, if negative earnings are not allowed by all jurisdictions associated with the employee, or the employee is separated:
Correct the overpayment through R365 Support.
Contact R365 Support and request an overpayment net amount recalculation. R365 Support will calculate the correct net amount that should have been paid to the employee.
Contact the employee and arrange for them to repay the difference between the correct net amount and the amount of the payment.
After the employee has repaid the difference in net amounts, submit an overpayment correction request to R365 Support with the following information:
Payroll company name
Employee's name as it appears on their employee record
Pay date(s) that need to be corrected
Earning type of the correction
Correction amount
W-2C Request (for prior year correction)
R365 will amend all applicable federal, state, and local filings.
Earning Amount Overpayment - Employee Did Not Receive Payment
The earning amounts on a processed payment are overstated, but the employee has not received the payment (check was voided). Historical data and taxes require adjustment.
Submit an overpayment correction request to R365 Support with the following information:
Payroll Company name
Employee's name as it appears on their Employee Record
Pay date(s) that need to be corrected
Earning type of the correction
Correction amount
W-2C Request (for prior year correction)
R365 will amend all applicable federal, state, and local filings.
Earning Amount Underpayment
The earning amounts on a processed payment are understated, and the difference in earnings will be placed as a new earning on their next paycheck.
Corrections can be processed as 'Retro Pay' earnings in a one-time payment paid immediately or grouped with the next pay cycle's pay run.
If the employee has already received payment outside of the system, see the instructions above for 'Employee Paid Outside of the System'.
Prior Period Earnings Not Paid
Earnings associated with a past period have not been paid yet. These earnings will be placed on the employee's next paycheck.
Corrections can be processed as 'Back Pay' earnings in a one-time payment paid immediately or grouped with the next pay cycle's pay run.
If the employee has already received payment outside of the system, see the instructions above for 'Employee Paid Outside of the System'.
Deduction Type Incorrect - Amount Correct
The deduction type associated with a deduction on a prior period payment was incorrect. The amount does not need to be changed.
Add two deductions on the employee’s current payment on the associated Payment Details page.
Enter a negative deduction for the full amount with the current deduction type to be corrected.
Enter a positive deduction for the full amount with the correct deduction type.
Create two one-time deductions.
Enter a negative deduction for the full amount with the current deduction type to be corrected.
Enter a positive deduction for the full amount with the correct deduction type.
Correct the deduction settings on the employee's Employee Record.
Deduction Amount Over-Contribution
The amount of a deduction in a prior payment was too high. Employee is owed earnings.
Add a negative deduction for the difference between the deducted amount and the correct amount to the employee’s current payment on the associated Payment Details page.
Create a negative one-time deduction for the difference between the deducted amount and the correct amount. Earnings will be added to the associated pay run for the entered amount.
Correct the deduction settings on the employee's employee record.
Deduction Amount Under-Contribution
The amount of a deduction in a prior payment was too low.
Add the deduction to the employee’s current payment on the associated Payment Details page.
Create a positive one-time deduction for the difference between the deducted amount and the correct amount.
Correct the deduction settings on the employee's employee record.
Deduction Not Contributed
Deduction was not added to the employee's Employee Record and no contribution was withheld.
Add to the deduction to the employee's employee record.
Add the deduction to the employee’s current payment on the associated Payment Details page.
Create a positive one-time deduction for the full amount of the missing deduction.