R365 Red App: Donation Logs Overview
    • 26 Jun 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    R365 Red App: Donation Logs Overview

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    Article summary

    This article is part of Donations and covers using Donation Logs in the R365 App.

    Users can create and manage donation logs from the R365 App. Donations is a Smart Ops feature that allows for users to track and debit any donated items to an account specific to donations. 

    From their mobile device, users can view a listing of all 'In Progress,' 'Complete,' and 'Approved' donation logs on the donation list screen. A Donation Template that has been created for the selected location can be used when creating a donation log for more efficient donation log entry.


    The permissions listed here are associated with donations. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here.

    Permissions related to donations are found in the permission tree as follows:

    • Food

      • Donations

        • View Donations

        • View Donations Distributions

        • Edit Donations Each Amounts

        • Edit Donation Reason Types

        • Edit Donations 

        • Create Donations

        • Complete Donations

        • Unlock Donations

        • Approve Donations 

        • Unapprove Donations

        • Delete Donations

    The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

    Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

    To navigate to the Donations Log, open the left navigation menu, then tap 'Donation Logs' from under 'Food.'

    Donation Logs List 

    When 'Donation Logs' is tapped from the mobile navigation menu, Users will be directed to the Donation Logs List screen, which lists all Donation Logs that have been created. 



    In Progress

    Tap to view all Donation Logs that have a status of 'In Progress.' These Donation Logs may still be missing information and can be edited as needed.


    Tap to view all Donation Logs that have been marked as 'Completed' but are still waiting for Approval. These can be 'Unlocked' to return to 'In Progress.'


    Tap to view the list of all Donation Logs that have been completed and approved.


    Tap and type keywords into the search bar to search for a specific Donation Log.


    Tap to open the Filter options to Filter the Donation Logs list.

    Donation Log Entry

    Tap to open a Donation Log or view the individual Donation Log entries, which lists the following information:

    • Donation Log Number

    • Location 

    • Date of Donation

    +New Donation Log Entry Button

    Tap this button to open and create a new Donation Log entry.

    New Donation Log Entry

    When users create a new donation log entry, they will be prompted to first complete Step 1: Basic Info before adding items to the entry. 

    When a donation template is selected, the items from the template will be added to the entry. 

    Once items are added, users can save the donation log. 

    Basic Info

    • Template - The Donation Template Selector. If no Template is selected, Users will be prompted to add their Items manually

    • Date - The date of the Donation. The default date is 'Today' or the date of entry

    • Location - The Location of the Donation Entry. For Users assigned to multiple Locations the default Location is the Default Selection

    Add Item

    • Select Item - The Item being added to the Entry

    • Unit of Measure - The UofM of the Item

    • Quantity - The number of units of the Item being Donated

    • Each Amt - The current cost of the Item per Unit

    • Total - Total cost based on Quantity and Each Amt

    • Reason - The Reason for the Donation. Reason Types can only be created in web

    • Comment - Comments or notes added to the Donation

    Existing Donation Log

    Users can open an existing donation log of any status by tapping the individual entry from any donation list. This will open the donation log with two tabs:

    • Basic Info

    • Items List

      Tapping an individual Item will open the 'Item Details' Screen

    When a donation log has a status of 'In Progress,' users can edit the donation log entry. Otherwise, users can elect to complete/unlock or approve/unapprove from the donation log screen. 

    Entering a Donation

    Users with the appropriate permissions can create, save, complete/unlock, and approve/unapprove donation logs from their mobile device using the R365 App. To read more about entering a donation, click here.

    Barcode Scanning for Donation Logs

    Users can utilize barcode scanning to scan items onto new donation logs. To read more about using barcode scanning for donation logs, click here.

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