Employee Payment Preferences
    • 05 Jul 2024
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    Employee Payment Preferences

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    Article summary

    This article reviews the Employee Payment Preferences Report for Workforce. 

    The Employee Payment Preferences Report displays the selected payment preference ('Direct Deposit' or 'Check') for each Employee onboarded to R365 Payroll. This report also displays direct deposit information for Employees with the payment preference of 'Direct Deposit'.

    To navigate to the Employee Payment Preferences Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left navigation menu, then select 'Workforce' in the top header. 

    Find 'Employee Payment Preferences', then select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open a list of all parameters that can be used to define the report.

    Report Parameters

    1. Filter By - A list of all filter categories

    2. Filter - A list of filter options, based on the 'Filter By' category selected (#1)

    3. Group By Payment Type - When 'Yes' is selected, the report will group Employees into a 'Direct Deposit' section and a 'Check' section

    4. Show Account Number - When 'Yes' is selected, the report will display the 'Account Number' for each direct deposit account. 

      The financial institution's routing number is always displayed.

    5. Hire Date After - Only Employees whose 'Hire Date' is after the selected date will be included in the report:

      • Today - Sets the selected date to today

      • Yest. - Sets the selected date to yesterday

      • Calendar Icon - Click to manually select a date from the calendar

      • Hire Date After - Click to type in the desired date

    6. Run Button - Runs the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion, then selecting the desired action. Learn more about this functionality here.

    Learn more about Report Views and their added functionality here. 

    Report Columns

    Employee Name - Employee's full name

    Hire Date - Employee's hire date

    Payment Type - Employee's selected method of payment: 'Direct Deposit' or 'Check'

    Account Name - User-entered account name.

    This field is blank when the payment type is 'Check'

    Institution - Name of the financial institution for the account. 

    This field is blank when the payment type is 'Check'

    Account Type - Type of the direct deposit account: 'Checking' or 'Savings'. 

    This field is blank when the payment type is 'Check'

    Distribution - Percentage of payment deposited to the account. 

    This field is blank when the payment type is 'Check'

    Routing Number - Financial institution's 9-digit routing number. 

    This field is blank when the payment type is 'Check'

    Account Number - Employee's account number.

    • This field is blank when the payment type is 'Check'

    • This column is not displayed when 'Show Account Number' is set to 'No'.

    Email, Export, or Print the Report

    This report can be emailed, exported, or printed directly from the reporting window. Learn how to send, export, or print this report here.

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