Forecasting Settings

This article reviews the Forecasting Settings sidesheet for Weekly Forecasting. Here, users can adjust the configurations for Weekly Forecasting

The Forecasting Settings sidesheet is where all settings that apply to the Weekly Forecasting page for all locations are found. 

Currently, the Forecasting Settings sidesheet consists of the Configuration tab, containing the settings for projection models and forecast metrics.

Weekly Forecasting will be enabled for all customer throughout 2024. Please contact your CSM to learn more about migrating to the new experience. 

Permissions related to Weekly Forecasting settings are found in the permission tree as follows:

  • Sales & Cash

    • Forecasts

      • Forecast Settings

        • View Forecast Configurations

        • Create/Edit Forecast Configurations

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

Weekly Forecasting settings are accessed by clicking on the gear icon in the header of the Weekly Forecasting page.

The Configurations tab displays all forecast configuration groups for the instance. Each forecast configuration group contains the forecast metric and projection model settings for assigned locations. Learn more about the Configurations tab here.

The Rules tab allows users to create, view, and manage rule groups. Each rule group is made up of customizable forecast rules. Forecast rules are automations that are applied to certain forecasted dates to change the default projection behavior for assigned locations. Rules are created to improve accuracy of projections for special days like holidays or days in which there is a coupon drop, limit-time offers, or promotions. Learn more about the Rules tab here.

Forecast Rules is currently in beta and only available for users with Advanced Forecasting enable