Custom User Roles - Across Instances

On the User Roles tab of the Security & Permissions page, Users who manage multiple Instances can share Custom User Roles across the Instances that they oversee. When a User Role is shared across Instances, it can only be edited in the Instance that shared it, and these edits will be automatically updated across all Instances. All other Instances will be able to assign the Shared User Role to Users but will not be able to edit it. 

Once shared, the Shared User Role can be deleted but cannot be unshared.

Shared User Roles assigned to Users at any Instance cannot be deleted. The Shared User Role must be removed from all Users first.

Shared User Roles are indicated with the 'Shared' icon. Shared User Roles can be identified with this icon on the Security & Permissions page, as well as on User Records.

User Roles Tab - User Role Header

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Drop-Down Menus

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User Record - Assigned User Roles

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Follow these steps to share a Custom User Role:

  1. Navigate to the User Roles tab of the Security & Permissions page.

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  2. Select the desired Custom User Role from the user role selector.

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  3. Click the pencil icon , then select Share across instances.

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  4. Click Share to share the Custom User Role or Cancel to exit without sharing.


Once shared, the Shared User Role cannot be unshared, but it can be deleted. 

Custom User Roles can only be deleted if no users are assigned to them. When deleting a Shared User Role with Users assigned to it, a dialog box will be displayed, prompting the User to either cancel the action or view the assigned Users.

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If Users are only assigned at the originating Instance, clicking 'View Users' will navigate to the 'Users' subtab to review assigned Users.

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If Users are assigned to the Shared User Role at any of the other Instances, a second dialogue box will be displayed, showing the number of Users assigned to the Shared User Role at each Instance. The Shared User Role will need to be removed from all Users at the listed Instances before the Shared User Role can be deleted. 

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