This article is part of the User Record and Custom User Roles.

The 'Permissions' tab is where the User's User Roles and individual Permissions can be viewed or edited. More than one User Role can be assigned to the User. Once a User Role is assigned, specific Permissions can be added or removed.
Without a User Role assigned, the User will be able to log in; however, they will not be able to view or access any portion of R365 without a User Role assigned to them.
When possible, Custom User Roles should be created to ensure that Users who have the same role within the organization have the same permission set. It is recommended to only adjust Permissions at the User level when a single User requires adjustments to only their Permissions. Learn more about Custom User Roles here.
Permissions Tab Overview
Search Bar - Enter two or more letters to filter the Permission Tree (#4) to only Permissions whose names contain the entered search
Permissions Menu - Includes the following menu options:
Copy from User - Opens the 'Copy from User' menu, where Permissions applied to a different User can be copied to the User. This option will overwrite any currently assigned User Roles or Permission adjustments.
User Roles - Displays currently assigned User Roles
User Roles can be added and removed via this bar. Learn more in the 'Assigning or Removing a User Role from a User With Existing User Roles' section below.
User Roles where Permissions included in the User Role have been removed from the User will be indicated with '(modified)' after the User Role name.
Expand/Collapse All - Click to expand the Permission Tree. If the Permission Tree is already fully expanded, click to collapse the Permission Tree.
Permission Tree - User Permissions are organized into a tree structure. Permission Groups will contain all of the Permissions for nested Groups.
Expander Arrow - Click to expand the Permission Group. If the Permission Group is already expanded, click to collapse the Permission Group
Permission Checkbox - Indicates if the Permission is granted for the User.
Click to assign or unassign the Permission. Learn more in the 'Adding and Removing Permissions' section below.
Select All - Click to assign all Permissions to the User
Clear All - Click to remove all Permissions from the User
Legend - Displays the following legend for the icons that indicate if Permissions are included in the assigned User Roles:

Assigning User Roles to Users Without Existing User Roles
If a User has no assigned User Roles, the Permissions tab will display the following options for assigning User Roles:
Without a User Role assigned, the User will be able to log in, but will not have access to any features.

Assign User Role
This option will provide a prompt to assign one existing User Role to the User. Adding additional User Roles or Permission adjustments can be completed after the first User Role is assigned.
Follow these steps to assign a single User Role to the User:
Click 'Assign User Role' to open the Assign User Role form
Select a User Role from the 'User Role' drop-down menu
Review the selected User Role with the following tabs:
Permissions - Displays the Permissions included in the selected User Role
Users - Displays which other Users have the selected User Role assigned to them
Settings - Displays the password restrictions associated with the selected User Role
to assign the User Role to the User, or
to close without assigning.
Copy Permissions
This option will copy all of the User Roles and User-level Permission adjustments from an existing User. Adding additional User Roles or Permission adjustments can be completed after the Permissions are copied.
Follow these steps to Copy Permissions:
Click 'Copy Permissions' to open the Copy Permissions form
Select the desired User from the list
Review the User Roles and Permissions assigned to the selected User
User Roles and Permissions listed cannot be edited before copying.
to copy the Permissions from the selected User, or
to close without copying.
Assigning or Removing a User Role from a User With Existing User Roles
If the User has at least one User Role assigned, the assigned User Role(s) will be listed in the User Roles bar. Here, additional User Roles can be assigned, and assigned User Roles can be removed.
If all User Roles are removed, the User will be able to log in; however, they will not be able to view or access any portion of R365.

Adding User Roles
Follow these steps to assign additional User Roles:
Click 'Add Role'
This will open a drop-down menu with all available User Roles
To filter the drop-down menu, type in the User Role bar
Select the desired User Role from the drop-down menu
Save the User Record
Removing User Roles
Follow these steps to remove assigned User Roles:
Click the
icon for the desired User Role
A confirmation window will appear
Click 'YES' to confirm and remove the User Role, or 'CANCEL' to close without removing
If all User Roles are removed, the User will be able to log in; however, they will not be able to view or access any portion of R365.
Adding or Removing Permissions
Individual Permissions can be added or removed at the User level. These adjustments will only apply to the User, and will not apply to other Users with the same User Role(s).
When possible, Custom User Roles should be created to ensure that Users who have the same role within the organization have the same permission set. It is recommended to only adjust Permissions at the User level when a single User requires adjustments to only their permissions. Learn more about Custom User Roles here.
All Permissions are additive; if a checkbox associated with a Permission is checked, the User will have that Permission.
To add a Permission, check the checkbox associated with the Permission. Unchecking a checked checkbox will remove the Permission.
To add all Permissions for a Permission Group, check the checkbox associated with the Permission Group. Unchecking a checked Permission Group checkbox will remove all of the Permissions in that Permission Group.
When removing Permissions, a confirmation window will appear to confirm the removal of Permissions.

Refer to the Icon Legend to learn how to determine if a Permission is included in an assigned User Role.
User Roles where Permissions included in the User Role have been removed from the User will be indicated with '(modified)' after the User Role name.
Checkbox Legend
The following icons are used for Permission Group checkboxes:
Empty Checkbox
- None of the Permissions in the Permission Group have been assigned
Blue Check Checkbox
- All of the Permissions in the Permission Group have been assigned.
Blue Dash Checkbox
- Some, but not all, of the Permissions in the Permission Group have been assigned.
The following icons are used for individual Permission checkboxes:
Blue Check Checkbox
- Permission is assigned; the User has access
Empty Blue Checkbox
- Permission is not assigned; the User does not have access
Empty Grey Checkbox
- Permission cannot be assigned because the 'View' Permission for the Permission Group has not been granted.
Link Icons
Permissions that are granted from assigned User Roles will be indicated with a link icon. Hovering over the link icon will display which User Roles are granting that Permission.

When Permissions that were granted from an assigned User Role have been removed at the User level, the individual Permission and Permission Group will be indicated as follows:
Individual Permissions - Indicated with a red crossed-out link icon
Permission Groups - Indicated with a grey crossed-out link icon

Permissions that have been granted to the User at the User level and were not granted by any of the assigned User Roles will not have a link icon.

Shared User Role
Custom User Roles that are shared across Instances are indicated with the 'Shared' icon. These User Roles can be assigned to Users, but can only be edited on the originating Instance. Learn more about Shared User Roles here.