General Tab
    • 16 Dec 2024
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    General Tab

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    Article summary

    This article is part of the User Record

    The 'General' tab is where the User's name, login, password, default Location, phone number, and email address are entered. This tab can be used to link the User Record to an Employee Record. If the records are already linked, the linked Employee Record will be displayed. Terminated Users can also be deactivated on this tab.

    1. Full Name - The full name of the User

    2. User Login - The Login ID for the User

      This value is case-sensitive

    3. Login Password - The Login Password for the User 

      This value is case-sensitive. Refer to the Security and Permissions: Password article to learn more about password requirements for User login

    4. Default Location - The Default Location of the User. This is the Location that the User works at most regularly. This value will also set the Default Location for the Manager Daily Comment, as well as other Manager functions throughout the system

      The Locations listed in this drop-down selector include the Locations assigned on the 'Locations' tab

    5. Mobile Phone - The mobile phone number of the User

      Ensure that this is entered in the following format: XXXXXXXXXX

    6. User Email - The User's email address. This is used for password reset purposes, as well as other email functions throughout the system

      When an Employee Record is linked to a User Record, the email address from the Employee Record overwrites the User Email field. 

      When APS Payroll Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled, this email field is listed as read-only. For assistance changing the User's email address, please contact R365 Support.

    7. Inactive Checkbox - User Records cannot be deleted. The 'Inactive' checkbox will deactivate the User and the User's User Roles will be removed to ensure that the User is unable to log in to the system. 

      If a User is marked as 'Active' again, User Roles will need to be added back to the User Record to give the User access to the system

    8. Reset Password - When clicked, a new window opens with the option to send a password reset link to the user.

      This button will appear once the User Record is initially saved in R365.

    9. Linked Employee Record - Indicates if the User Record is linked to an Employee Record.

      If the User Record is linked - This field will display the Employee Record that it is linked to, and will be read-only. Click to view the corresponding Employee Record.

      If the User Record is not linked - This field will be blank, and will display a drop-down arrow with a listing of all unlinked Employee Records to choose from.

      Once an Employee Record is selected for this field and the record is saved, the linking cannot be undone.

      When an Employee Record is selected for this field, the following fields will be updated on the User Record with the data from the Employee Record:

      • 'Full Name' will be updated to match the Employee's full name

      • 'User Email' will be updated to match the Employee's email address

      • 'Locations' will be updated to match the Employee's Locations

      • 'Default Location' will be updated to match the Employee's Default Location

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