R365 Red App: Waste Logs
    • 26 Jun 2024
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    R365 Red App: Waste Logs

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    Article summary

    This article is part of the R365 Red App. To learn about creating Waste Logs via web browser, click here. 

    Waste Logs can be created and entered directly from the R365 Red App. Users can view a listing of all 'In Progress', 'Complete', and 'Approved' Waste Logs from the Waste Log screen. When creating a new Waste Log, Users can select a Waste Template for the selected Location and easily navigate between Items.


    The Permissions listed here are associated with Waste Logs. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.

    Waste Log Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

    • Food

      • Waste Logs

        • View Waste Logs

        • View Waste Log Distributions

        • Edit Waste Log Each Amounts

        • Edit Waste Logs

        • Create Waste Logs

        • Complete Waste Logs

        • Unlock Waste Logs

        • Approve Waste Logs

        • Unapprove Waste Logs

        • Void Waste Logs

        • Unvoid Waste Logs

        • Delete Waste Logs

    The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

    Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

    To view, create, complete, or approve Waste Logs, log in to the R365 Red App, tap the menu  icon, then tap 'Inventory Counts,' and from the expandable menu, select ‘Waste Logs’. This will open the Waste Logs screen.

    Waste Log Screen

    The Waste Logs screen is organized into three tabs. Each tab will display a list of Waste Logs based on their status: In Progress, Completed, or Approved.

    1. In Progress - Listing of all Waste Logs that are in 'In Progress' status and have not been 'Completed'

    2. Completed - Listing of all Waste Logs that are in 'Completed' status and are pending approval

    3. Approved - Listing of all Waste Logs that are in 'Approved' statuss

    4. Search - Filters the displayed list for Waste Logs whose Waste Log Number or Location contains the entered search term

    5. Filter - Filters the displayed list by Location or Date Range

      • To apply filters:

        1. Tap the filter icon to open the 'Filter By' screen

        2. Tap on the filter type; this will open filter options

        3. Select the desired filter from the displayed options

        4. Tap 'Continue' to return to the 'Filter By' screen

        5. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-4 for any additional desired filter(s)

        6. Tap 'Apply Filters' to apply the selected filter(s) to the viewed list

        The filter(s) will only be applied to the tab being viewed

    6. Waste Log Summary - Basic information for the Waste Log, including: Waste Log Number, Location, Date, and Status

      • To view, edit, complete, or approve a Waste Log, tap the Waste Log Summary to open the Waste Log Detail screen.

    7. + New Waste Log - Tap to open the New Waste Log form

    Creating a New Waste Log

    To create a new Waste Log, tap on '+ New Waste Log' on the Waste Log screen

    The New Waste Log form has two steps; each step has a dedicated screen. 

    Step 1 - General Information

    After confirming the details in 'Step 1 - General Information', tap 'Continue' to move to 'Step 2 - Add Items'.

    1. Back < - Tap to cancel the New Waste Log and return to the Waste Log screen

    2. Step Information - Step name and step number

    3. Selected Template - Tap to select a Waste Template

      • When a Template is selected in Step 1, Items will be pre-populated in Step 2

        Waste Templates can only be created and edited via web browser

    4. Date - Date the Items will be recorded as 'Wasted'

      • The date will default to 'Today' 

      • The date can be changed by tapping on the field and selecting a different date.

    5. Location - Location for the Waste Log

      • The Location will default to the User's 'Default Location'. 

      • The Location can be changed by tapping on the field and selecting a different Location. 

        Users will only be able to choose Locations that they have access to 

    6. Continue - Tap to move to 'Step 2 - Add Items'

    Step 2 - Add Items

    In Step 2, quantities are entered and additional Items can be added. The Waste Log can be saved at any time by tapping 'Save'; this will create the Waste Log in the status of 'In Progress'.

    1. Back < - Tap to return to 'Step 1 - General Information'

    2. Step Information - Step name and step number

    3. Item Summary - Summary for the Item to be wasted, including Item Name, Quantity, Unit of Measure, and Total Value

      • Tapping the Item Summary will open the 'Item Detail' screen where the quantity of the Item being wasted can be edited and comments can be added.

    4. + Add Item - Tap to add additional Items

    5. Edit - Tap to open 'Bulk Edit' mode where Items can be removed

      • Tap each Item to be removed

      • Tap the 'Remove' button

        The 'Remove' button will be disabled until one or more Items are selected

    6. Save - Creates the Waste Log with all of the entered details and sets the status to 'In Progress'

    7. Complete - Creates the Waste Log with all of the entered details and sets the status to 'Complete'

    Adding Items

    To add additional Items in 'Step 2 - Add Items', tap the '+Add Item' button. 

    The 'Add Item' screen will open.

    1. Select Item - The Item being wasted

      • Tap to open the 'Select Item' screen

        1. Enter part or all of the Items Name and a list of Items containing the search term will populate

        2. Tap the desired Item 

        3. Tap 'Continue' to select the Item and return to the 'Add Item' screen

    2. Unit of Measure - Tap to select the Unit of Measure for the selected Item

      Only UoMs defined for the Item can be selected

    3. Quantity - Quantity of the Unit of Measure being wasted for the selected Item

    4. Each Amount - The calculated Cost of the selected Item

    5. Total - Total Value of the Item being wasted

      • Calculated as Quantity (#3) x Each Amount (#4)

    6. Comments - Item-specific comments

    7. Add Item Button - Tap to add the Item

    After the Item details are entered, tap 'Add Item' to add the Item to the Waste Log, or tap 'X' to close the form without adding the Item.

    Completing Waste Logs

    Waste Logs can be completed when creating a new Waste Log, or while editing a Waste Log that is 'In Progress'.

    'In Progress' Waste Logs can be edited by tapping the Waste Log Summary on the 'In Progress' tab of the Waste Log screen.

    To complete a Waste Log, confirm that all details are correct, then tap 'Complete' on the 'Step 2 - Add Items' screen. 

    Reviewing and Approving Completed Waste Logs

    Completed Waste Logs can be viewed by tapping the Waste Log Summary from the 'Completed' tab of the Waste Log screen. 

    The Waste Log Detail screen will open. The Waste Log Detail screen is organized into two tabs; Basic Information and Items. 

    1. Back - Tap to return to the Waste Log page

    2. Waste Log Number - Identifying Number of the Waste Log

    3. Basic Info Tab - Contains general information for the Waste Log

    4. Items Tab - Lists all Items included in the Waste Log

    Basic Info Tab

    1. Number - Identifying Number for the Waste Log

    2. Status - Current Status of the Waste Log

    3. Template - Template used when creating the Waste Log

    4. Date - Date the Items were wasted

    5. Location - Location associated with the Waste Log

    Items Tab

    1. Item Summary - Summary information for each Item being wasted, including: Item Name, Quantity being wasted, Unit of Measure, and Total Cost of the wasted Item.

      Tapping the Item Summary will open the 'Edit Item' screen where the 'Each Amount' and 'Comments' can be reviewed.

      Once a Waste Log has been 'Completed', the Items within the Waste Log are not editable. To Edit Items, the Waste Log must first be 'Unlocked' and placed back in 'In Progress' status.

    Once the information for the Waste Log has been reviewed, the Waste Log can be approved from either tab by tapping 'Approve'. 

    If errors are found during review, tap 'Unlock' to change the Waste Log's status to 'In Progress'. Once in 'In Progress', the Waste Log can be edited, and then re-completed. 

    Approved Waste Logs

    Approved Waste Logs can be viewed by tapping the Waste Log Summary on the 'Approved' tab of the Waste Log screen.

    Approved Waste Log details have the same information and layout as 'Completed' Waste Logs. However, for most Users, Approved Waste Logs have no action buttons. 

    For Users with 'Unapprove' permissions, the 'Unapprove' button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Tapping 'Unapprove' will revert the Waste Log back to 'Completed' status. 

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