One-Time Payments

This article is an overview of one-time payments within Workforce pay runs.

One-time payments are used to manually create earnings for employees (such as bonuses, commissions, or reimbursements) that would not otherwise be created through import, sent from Smart Ops, or included automatically as part of a traditional pay run. One-time payments can also be used to record earnings for tax and reporting purposes that have already been paid to the employee outside of the system.

A single one-time payment can contain earnings for multiple employees. Employees and earning amounts can be added manually or via import template. 

One-time payments are also used to import one-time deductions. One-time deductions are primarily used for variable deductions or to rectify deduction errors. 

One-time payments are created from the Payroll Overview page using the 'Create Payment' form. Learn more about creating one-time payments here.

One-time payments can be separated out into their own pay runs, which allows for payment outside of the traditional pay cycle, or grouped with outstanding pay runs. Learn more about grouping one-time payments below

After they are created, one-time payments can be edited from the 'Edit payment' form, as well as from the Payment Details page. The editing options available on the Payment Details page are limited. Learn more about editing one-time payments here

Learn more about one-time payments and pay runs:

The permissions listed here are associated with one-time payments. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here.

Permissions associated with one-time payments are found in the permission tree as follows:

  • Payroll

    • Workforce Payroll

      • Payments

        • View Payments

        • Edit Payments

        • Create Payments

        • Delete Payments

The permission access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. Learn more about user setup and security here.

When a one-time payment is created, the user will have an option to place the one-time payment in its own pay run or to group it with an outstanding/next pay run. 

If the one-time payment is grouped with an outstanding/next pay run, it will be grouped as follows:

Outstanding/Next Pay Run Status

Shared Employees


Outstanding pay run with an 'In Progress' status

Outstanding pay run contains payments for employees present in the one-time payment

One-time payment is combined with the outstanding pay run

Outstanding pay run does not contain payments for employees present in the one-time payment

One-time payment creates a new pay run

Outstanding pay run with a 'Needs Attention' status


One-time payment creates a new pay run

Outstanding pay run with a 'Pending' status


One-time payment creates a new pay run

Next pay run is created

New pay run contains payments for employees present in the one-time payment

Existing one-time payment pay run is combined with the new pay run

New pay run does not contain payments for employees present in the one-time payment

Existing one-time payment pay run is not changed

When creating a one-time payment, R365 offers the following types of tax methods:

  • Aggregation: Calculates taxes based on the total of the employee's current and previous payroll payments. The tax is determined by applying a rate to the combined total and then subtracting the taxes already withheld from the prior payment. The remaining amount represents the taxes withheld on the current paycheck. For more information, refer to the current IRS Publication 15 Circular E.

  • Supplemental Rate: Uses the current flat tax rate of 22%. For more information, refer to the current IRS Publication 15 Circular E. 

    • Previously listed as ‘Flat Rate’.

  • Employee Elections: Will tax the payment as a regular pay run payment, using the employee's tax forms and withholding information on file to calculate taxes.

Taxes do not apply to the earning type of 'Reimbursement'.

The fields outlined here are shared between both the 'Create Payment' and "Edit Payment' forms. Action buttons and editability vary between the forms. Refer to the Create a One-Time Payment and Edit a One-Time Payment articles for more information. 

The header contains fields that will be applied to all employees included in the one-time payment.

These details are not editable after the one-time payment is created.





One-time payment title that will appear on the Payroll Overview page.


Payment Type

The earning type. This is the earning type added for all employees on the one-time payment.


Payment Method

Indicates if earnings in the one-time payment need to be processed for payment or if they only need to be recorded for tax and reporting purposes.

Directly deposited into employee's bank account - Earnings need to be processed for payment.

Employee has already received this payment - Earnings only need to be recorded for tax and reporting purposes.


Payment Timeframe

Indicates if the one-time payment will be a separate standalone pay run or grouped with an outstanding/next pay run.

As soon as possible as separate payment - One-time payment will create a new pay run.

Grouped with an outstanding/next payment - One-time payment will be grouped with an outstanding/next pay run if available. Otherwise, a new pay run will be created.





Employee receiving the payment.


Gross Amount

Dollar amount to be paid to the employee.


Payment Method

Indicates if earnings for the employee need to be processed for payment or if they only need to be recorded for tax and reporting purposes.

Direct Deposit - Earnings need to be processed for payment.

Previously Paid - Earnings only need to be recorded for tax and reporting purposes.


Tax Method

How taxes will be calculated for the payment.

  • Aggregation: Uses an employee's current or previous payroll payment to determine a tax rate. For more information, refer to the current IRS Publication 15 Circular E.

  • Supplemental Rate: Uses the current flat tax rate of 22%. For more information, refer to the current IRS Publication 15 Circular E.

    • Previously listed as ‘Flat Rate’.

  • Employee Elections: taxes the payment as a regular pay run payment.



Any employee/payment-specific notes.

Notes entered into this field are displayed on employee paystubs.



One-time deduction amount.


One-Time Payment Total

Total gross amount for all employees on the one-time payment.