On the Payroll Overview page, users can view, calculate, and approve unpaid pay runs, view historical pay runs, create one-time payments, import earnings to existing pay runs, and navigate to the following pages:
Learn more about pay runs and processing payroll here.
Navigation & Security
First, navigate to Workforce. In the left navigation menu, click 'Payroll Overview' under 'Payroll' to open the Payroll Overview page. |
The following permissions are associated with the Payroll Overview page:
Workforce Payroll
View Payments
Edit Payments
Create Payments
Approve Payments
Delete Payments
Calculate Payments
Verify Payments
Payroll Overview Page Button & Field Descriptions
For documentation purposes, the Payroll Overview page has been broken into the following sections:
Overview Header - Action buttons and overview summaries for all unpaid pay runs
Pay Runs Summary
Pay Runs tab - Summary information and action buttons for unpaid pay runs
History tab - Summary information for paidpay runs
Overview Header
Field | Description | |
1 | Payroll Company Selector | Click to change the payroll company that pay runs are displayed for. |
2 | Unpayable Employees Summary | Summary for employees who are unpayable, including:
3 | Returned Payments Summary | Summary of direct deposit payments that failed distribution, including:
Click 'View details' to open the Returned Payments page. |
4 | Pending Pay Runs Summary | Summary of approved pay runs that are pending payment, including:
5 | Funding Report Button | Click to open the Funding Report page. |
6 | Import Button | Click to import earnings via the earning import template. |
7 | Create One-Time Payment | Click to create a new one-time payment pay run. |
Payment Runs Summary
Pay Runs Tab
Field | Description | |
1 | Quick Filters | When checked, pay runs with the selected status will be displayed. |
2 | Pay Period | Traditional pay runs display the start and end date for the pay period. |
3 | Description | Traditional pay runs are automatically described as their pay period type. |
4 | Employees | Number of employees in the pay run.
5 | Gross Pay | Total gross pay for all employees in the pay run. |
6 | Status | Pay run status:
7 | Pay Run | Each entry represents a single pay run. Click to open the associated Pay Run Details page.
8 | Calculate/Retry/Cancel Button | The button displayed is determined by the status of the pay run: 'Retry' is displayed for pay runs in the 'Needs Attention' status. After unpayable employee issues have been resolved, click to re-calculate and review the pay run in the Pay Run Details sidesheet.
9 | Action Menu | Contains the following action buttons: Reset- Resets the earnings for all employees in the pay run to $0.00 (zero).
Edit One-Time Payment - Click to open the associated Edit Payment page.
History Tab
Field | Description | |
1 | Payment date from - to | Pay period date range for the displayed pay run history. Only pay runs with pay period dates within the selected range will be displayed. |
2 | Pay Period | Pay period pay runs display the start and end date for the pay period. |
3 | Description |
4 | Employees | Number of employees in the pay run. |
5 | Gross Pay | Total gross pay for all employees in the pay run. |
6 | Pay Run | Each entry represents a single historical pay run. Click to open the associated Pay Run Details page. |
Pay Run Summary Sidesheet Button and Field Descriptions
The Pay Run Summary sidesheet opens when a pay run is calculated or retried. Here, users can review a calculated summary of the pay run and approve the pay run for payment on a selected pay date. Learn more about calculating and approving pay runs here.
Field | Description | |
1 | Pay Run Information | Pay run description and pay period dates. |
2 | Pay Date | Date that employees will receive direct deposit distributions and date that will be printed on paper paychecks.
3 | Total To Fund | Amount that will be withdrawn from the payroll company's funding account.
4 | Gross Pay | Total gross pay for all employees in the pay run. |
5 | Taxes | Employer taxes included in the 'Total To Fund' amount. |
6 | Contributions and Deductions | Employee contributions and deductions amount. Except for garnishments, this amount is not included in the 'Total To Fund' amount. |
7 | Employee Count | Number of employees in the pay run. |
8 | Type | Earning types for all employees included in the pay run. |
9 | Cancel | Click to close the sidesheet without approving. The calculated pay run will be sorted at the top of the 'Pay Run' tab. |
10 | View Details | Click to open the Pay Run Details page for the pay run. |
11 | Schedule & Approve | Click to approve the pay run for payment on the selected pay date. Learn more about calculating and approving pay runs here.