Payroll Overview Page

On the Payroll Overview page, users can view, calculate, and approve unpaid pay runs, view historical pay runs, create one-time payments, import earnings to existing pay runs, and navigate to the following pages:

Learn more about pay runs and processing payroll here

First, navigate to Workforce

In the left navigation menu, click 'Payroll Overview' under 'Payroll' to open the Payroll Overview page.

The following permissions are associated with the Payroll Overview page:

  • Payroll

    • Workforce Payroll

      • Payments

        • View Payments

        • Edit Payments

        • Create Payments

        • Approve Payments

        • Delete Payments

        • Calculate Payments

        • Verify Payments

For documentation purposes, the Payroll Overview page has been broken into the following sections:

  1. Overview Header - Action buttons and overview summaries for all unpaid pay runs

  2. Pay Runs Summary

    • Pay Runs tab - Summary information and action buttons for unpaid pay runs

    • History tab - Summary information for paidpay runs




Payroll Company Selector

Click to change the payroll company that pay runs are displayed for.


Unpayable Employees Summary

Summary for employees who are unpayable, including:

  • Total unpayable gross pay

  • Total unpayable employees

Click 'View details' to open the Unpayable Employees page.

Pay runs associated with unpayable employees will be in the 'Needs Attention' status.


Returned Payments Summary

Summary of direct deposit payments that failed distribution, including: 

  • Total dollar amount returned

  • Total number of returned payment distributions

Click 'View details' to open the Returned Payments page.


Pending Pay Runs Summary

Summary of approved pay runs that are pending payment, including:

  • Total pending payment amount

  • Total pay runs in the 'Pending' status


Funding Report Button

Click to open the Funding Report page.


Import Button

Click to import earnings via the earning import template. 


Create One-Time Payment

Click to create a new one-time payment pay run.




Quick Filters

When checked, pay runs with the selected status will be displayed.


Pay Period

Traditional pay runs display the start and end date for the pay period.

One-time payment pay runs that are not grouped with a pay period pay run display the date they were created.



Traditional pay runs are automatically described as their pay period type.

One-time payment pay runs display the user-entered description.

If a one-time payment pay run has been combined with an outstanding pay run, both descriptions will be included.



Number of employees in the pay run.

For pay period and daily pay runs, this number includes all active employees, even if they have no earnings.


Gross Pay

Total gross pay for all employees in the pay run.



Pay run status:

  • In Progress - Pay run has been created and has not been approved.

  • Pending - Pay run has been approved and is awaiting payment processing.

  • Needs Attention - Pay run has errors that require attention and needs to be re-approved.


Pay Run

Each entry represents a single pay run. Click to open the associated Pay Run Details page.

Pay runs are displayed in the following sort order:

  1. Most recently calculated 'In Progress' pay run

  2. 'In Progress' pay runs in ascending end date order

  3. 'Needs Attention' pay runs in ascending end date order

  4. 'Pending' pay runs in ascending end date order


Calculate/Retry/Cancel Button

The button displayed is determined by the status of the pay run:

'Calculate' is displayed for pay runs in the 'In Progress' status. Click to calculate and review the pay run in the Pay Run Details sidesheet.

'Retry' is displayed for pay runs in the 'Needs Attention' status. After unpayable employee issues have been resolved, click to re-calculate and review the pay run in the Pay Run Details sidesheet.

'Cancel' is displayed for pay runs in the 'Pending' status. Click to cancel the processing of funding and payment distributions related to the pay run.

This button is disabled once processing of the funding and payment distributions for the pay run has started.

Clicking 'Cancel' will not delete associated paycheck runs and journal entries. Paycheck runs and journal entries will need to be manually deleted after the payment for the pay run has been confirmed as canceled. 

The Calculate, Retry, and Cancel buttons are only displayed for users with the following permission:

  • Payroll → Workforce Payroll → Payments → Approve Payments


Action Menu

Contains the following action buttons:

Reset- Resets the earnings for all employees in the pay run to $0.00 (zero).

Resetting a pay run is required prior to re-importing earnings from Smart Ops. 

Edit One-Time Payment - Click to open the associated Edit Payment page.

This button is only displayed for one-time payment pay runs. Details for pay period and daily pay runs can be edited on the Payment Details page associated with the desired employee in the pay run. Learn more about editing earnings here




Payment date from - to

Pay period date range for the displayed pay run history. Only pay runs with pay period dates within the selected range will be displayed.


Pay Period

Pay period pay runs display the start and end date for the pay period.

Daily pay runs display the single date associated with the pay run.

One-time payment pay runs that are not grouped with a pay period pay run display the date they were created.



Pay period pay runs and daily pay runs are described as their pay period type.

One-time payment pay runs display the user-entered description.



Number of employees in the pay run.


Gross Pay

Total gross pay for all employees in the pay run.


Pay Run

Each entry represents a single historical pay run. Click to open the associated Pay Run Details page.

The Pay Run Summary sidesheet opens when a pay run is calculated or retried. Here, users can review a calculated summary of the pay run and approve the pay run for payment on a selected pay date. Learn more about calculating and approving pay runs here.




Pay Run Information

Pay run description and pay period dates.


Pay Date

Date that employees will receive direct deposit distributions and date that will be printed on paper paychecks.

The next selectable pay date is determined by the payroll company configuration:

  • One-Day Processing - Next banking day.

  • Two-Day Processing - First banking day after the next banking day.

Click this field to select the desired pay date. Pay dates can be selected up to 30 days in advance.

Not all calendar days are selectable as pay dates.

  • Weekends and bank holidays are not selectable as pay dates

  • Today is not selectable as a pay date

The cutoff time for submissions is 11:30am Mountain Time. After the cutoff time, pay dates available for selection will be displayed as if the pay run was being approved tomorrow.


Total To Fund

Amount that will be withdrawn from the payroll company's funding account.

If fund and remit garnishments is enabled, the garnishment amount is included in the total funding amount.


Gross Pay

Total gross pay for all employees in the pay run.



Employer taxes included in the 'Total To Fund' amount.


Contributions and Deductions

Employee contributions and deductions amount. Except for garnishments, this amount is not included in the 'Total To Fund' amount.


Employee Count

Number of employees in the pay run.



Earning types for all employees included in the pay run.



Click to close the sidesheet without approving. The calculated pay run will be sorted at the top of the 'Pay Run' tab. 


View Details

Click to open the Pay Run Details page for the pay run.


Schedule & Approve

Click to approve the pay run for payment on the selected pay date. Learn more about calculating and approving pay runs here.

Once approved, the pay run is locked and cannot be adjusted.