The Undeposited Funds report displays the details of all outstanding Undeposited funds. Users can run this report to review Undeposited Funds so that deposits can be made in a timely manner.


To navigate to the Undeposited Funds report, click 'My Reports'  under 'Reports' in the left navigation pane and select 'Banking' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown.

Find 'Undeposited Funds' and select 'Customize' next to the report to review and update the Report Parameters that will define your report.

Report Parameters

1) Filter By - A listing of all Location categories

2) Filter - A listing of all Locations associated with the selected Location category

3) Filter By Bank Account - A listing of all Bank Accounts associated with the selected Locations/Location categories

4) Start - The beginning date of the report data

5) End - The end date of the report data

6) Show Unapproved - This option will either include or exclude unapproved transactions

7) Show Undeposited Funds - The report will display either all funds ('All'), only Undeposited Funds ('Undeposited Only'), or only Deposited Funds ('Deposited Only')

8) Show Excluded Deposits - The report will either show excluded deposits ('Yes' - default), not show excluded deposits ('No'), or only show excluded deposits ('Only Show Excluded')

9) As Of - The date intended to show the report as if it was run on that date

10) Sort By - The option to sort by transaction date or Location

Report Columns

1) Transaction Date - The date listed on the transaction

2) Deposited Date - The date that the fund was deposited. This field will be blank for deposits that were not deposited as of the 'As Of' date set in the Report Parameters. If a date is displayed, then the date will be hyperlinked to its bank deposit form

3) Transaction - The transaction that the deposit or undeposited funds were referenced

4) Amount - The amount of the deposit or undeposited transaction. A total amount will be displayed at the bottom of this column

5) Bank Account - The bank account listed on the deposit form. If the amount was not deposited as of the 'As Of' date, then this will be blank

6) Location Name - The name of the Location from the transaction

7) Payment Method - If available, this will display the method in which the deposit amount was paid

8) Excluded - This will display as 'Yes' if the deposit has been marked as excluded

9) Comments - Any comments entered on the deposit

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.