Key Labor Reports
    • 06 Jul 2024
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    Key Labor Reports

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    Article summary

    The following graphic shows each of the Operational Reports that are covered in this article and how, when and why they should be used:

    Flash Report

    What it does: This report shows summary information based on a single day’s performance in one or more Locations. All information from the Daily Sales Summary flows through this report as well as historical information and Labor numbers.

    Why use it: This is a great report to run for a snapshot of the day (previous day) in terms of Sales, Labor, and other daily metrics. Most above-store Managers/Operators will find this report very useful for getting a high-level report of the day in each store.

    Other Considerations: This report can only be run one day at a time and the previous day must be closed out in the POS and transferred its data to R365 in order to see the numbers. 

    Learn more about the Flash Report here.

    Weekly Review – Location

    What it does: Shows a detailed breakdown of one Location’s Weekly Sales. This is broken down by Day Part, Service Type, Account, Net Sales vs Last Year/Last Month/and Last Week, Guest Counts and Average Check, Cost Analysis (purchases by cost account), Key Controllable expenses, and Labor. Percentages can be turned on with the ‘+’ sign at the top of the report to see how each number is broken down by a percent vs Sales.

    Why use it: This can help individual unit Managers keep a pulse on the current week and review the previous week. All Vital Signs for the business are included in this report and can be a very quick way to see the snapshot needed to make business decisions throughout the week.

    Other Considerations: Discounts and Comps full list can be viewed by clicking the ‘+’ sign next to Discounts and Comps.

    Learn more about the Weekly Review – Location report here.

    Overtime Warning Report

    What it does: The Overtime Warning report will run for the current operating week and display four key data points: scheduled hours, actual hours, projected hours (current hours worked + the rest of the week's scheduled hours), and when overtime begins.

    Why use it: This report will help catch any Employees who are near overtime by listing the day and time when overtime will be hit or who are in overtime already by displaying 'In Overtime'. This can help Managers determine the best staffing decisions.

    Other Considerations: While this report is helpful in showing potential overtime, Managers will need to reassess this report during the week to see how the numbers fluctuate if shifts cancelled or are changed.

    Learn more about the Overtime Warning Report here.

     Sales and Labor Breakout

    What it does: The Sales and Labor Breakout report will separate Net Sales and Labor into different categories for one or more Locations selected. 

    Why use it: This report is another version of the Flash Report in that it focuses on Net Sales and Labor, which can be compared across different Locations. This can be helpful to see how stores are functioning in comparison to each other and as a unit. 

    Other Considerations: This report pulls in beneficial data that can be the starting point to determine Location performance.

    Learn more about the Sales and Labor Breakout report here.

    Minimum Wage Adjustment

    What it does: The Minimum Wage Adjustment report pulls all Employee pay information to see how much each Employee was paid for each Job Type versus how much they earned in a set time frame.

    Why use it: This report will show how much money is needed to pay a worker if they did not reach the minimum wage required for the hours they worked.

    Other Considerations: This report can be ran for one or more Jobs and Job Types to help narrow down the minimum wage assessment. Also, the State's minimum wage for each Location should be entered on its Location record for this report to function correctly.

    Learn more about the Minimum Wage Adjustment report here.

    Labor Actual vs Scheduled – Punch Details

    What it does: This report shows all Labor Punches for a given time period and for set Locations.

    Why use it: This report displays the variance between actual and scheduled Labor for each Employee and compares that to the Labor % Goal to see which Employees may be clocking in too early and causing the Labor % Goals to be skewed or if Labor % Goals need to be reassessed.

    Other Considerations: This report can expand to show the details of each Employee Punch and its affect on the Labor % per day. You can also see how these Labor Totals compare to each Location's Actual and Forecasted Sales. 

    Learn more about the Labor Actual vs Scheduled – Punch Details report here.

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