Financial Dashboard: Date Settings
    • 03 Jul 2024
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    Financial Dashboard: Date Settings

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    Article summary

    This is a part of the Financial Dashboard feature. Click here to learn more about the Financial Dashboard.

    The Financial Dashboard has two separate date settings that can be manipulated to compare one or all Location's financial data for the current year to a relevant year and date range. This provides Users with the tools needed to analyze their Organization's recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Date Range Selector

    The Date Range selector is the first key date setting on the dashboard and is located between the House Shortcuts and any Dashboard Widgets. This selector enables the User to choose the date range for which data is pulled. Date Ranges include:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • This Month

    • Last Month

    • This Period

    • Last Period

    • This Year

    • Last Year

    • Custom Date

      When 'Custom Date' is selected, a drop-down will appear where the date range can be set and applied to the Financial Dashboard.

    Once an option is selected, the Date Range will update to the far left of this selector.

    Comparison Year

    Most widgets on the Financial Dashboard list a 'Compared to' data point, which is the second key date setting that pulls the data for the same date range but for the comparison year selected.

    The comparison year can be chosen from the 'Compare to' selector, which is located next to the 'Date range' selector. This field will populate with the available years that have data for the selected date range and for the selected Location(s). 

    Once a year is selected, click outside of the field to update the dashboard. The selected year will then remain as the set comparison year until manually updated.

    Date Setting Conflicts

    An important note to keep in mind is that when the comparison year is the same as the date range selection, the data is essentially the same, causing the data to appear incorrect.

    For example, if the 'Compare to' field is set to '2020' and the Date Range selector is set to 'Last Year' (as of the publication of this article), then essentially the board is comparing 2020 to 2020 data. To avoid this, ensure that the selections made are not the same.

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