Date Settings on Report Subscriptions
    • 03 Jun 2024
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    Date Settings on Report Subscriptions

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    Article summary

    This is a part of the Report Subscriptions feature. Click here to learn more about Report Subscriptions.

    When subscribing to a report, the Date Settings fields appear if the report parameters include dates, such as the As Of, Start Date, or End Date parameters. Completing the Date Settings fields ensures that the report includes the proper time frame each time it runs.

    Date Settings Options

    The Date Settings includes multiple options for running the report:

    • Days Before Run Date - Enter the number of days prior to the Send On date to include in the report. If the Report View chosen has Yesterday selected for one of its fields, this auto-populates the corresponding date field and places a 1 in the # Days field.

    • Run Date - The selected day is the Send On date. If the Report View chosen has Today selected for one of its date fields, it auto-populates the corresponding date field with today's date.

    • First Day of Previous Week - Run the report for the first day of the previous week. In the Week Starts On field, select the day of the week to be considered the first day of the week.

    • Last Day of Previous Week - Run the report for the last day of the previous week. In the Week Starts On field, select the day of the week to be considered the first day of the week.

    • First Day of Current Week - Run the report for the first day of the current week. In the Week Starts On field, select the day of the week to be considered the first day of the week.

    • First Day of Previous Month - Run the report based on the first day of the previous calendar month.

      Date Settings do not use the fiscal calendar when a Month option is selected.

    • Last Day of Previous Month - Run the report based on the last day of the previous calendar month.

      Date Settings do not use the fiscal calendar when a Month option is selected.

    • First Day of Current Month - Run the report based on the first day of the current calendar month.

      Date Settings do not use the fiscal calendar when a Month option is selected.

    • Custom Date - Run the report based on the date selected from the Custom Date selector. If a specific date was selected for the chosen Report View, then that date will auto-populate the Custom Date selector.

    Date Settings Format

    Some Reports include date report parameters that have As Of dates or date ranges. These parameters appear in the Date Settings section as:

    • As Of - Reports that include data as of a specific date, such as the AP Aging report, have an As Of date field.

    • Date Range

      • Single Date Range - Reports that include data for a given date range, such as the GL Account Detail report, include Start and End date fields.

      • Multiple Date Ranges - Reports that include data for two given date ranges, such as the Profit and Loss report, include four date fields.

    Daily Reports

    If a user needs to receive a report daily, then it is important to set up two report subscriptions for that user, due to the way the Date Settings are designed in R365. 

    If the report's Date Settings are set for the first day of the current week with an end date minus 1 day, all daily reports will appear with data except for the set first day, since it would be listed as the first day minus 1. In this case, if Monday is the first day of the week, then Tuesday through Sunday will display daily data correctly, but that first Monday will not have data to show.

    To account for this, set the following two report subscriptions to ensure all daily reports are populated with the necessary data:

    • Report Subscription 1 - All days except first day of current week

      • Start Date - First Day of Current Week

      • End Date - Days Before Run Date = 1

    • Report Subscription 2 - Only first day of current week

      • Start Date - First Day of Previous Week

      • End Date - Days Before Run Date = 1

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