The Manager Tools page contains browsable lists for key scheduling functions: Announcements, Blackout Days, Events, Request Cutoffs, and Time Off.
Announcements are used to communicate important messages to employees. When created, announcements alert employees via the preferred contact method on their employee record.
Blackout Days
Blackout Days restrict employees from requesting time off for certain days, such as a holiday.
Events record special events and promotions that could impact operations, such as local sports games, conferences, holidays, or coupons. Events can be viewed in the schedule, forecasting, and daily sales summary.
Request Cutoffs
Request Cutoffs are rules that determine how far in advance an employee must submit a time off request, as well as how many requests can be submitted per week.
Time Off
An approved time off request marks the employee as unavailable in scheduling. When PTO Accruals is enabled, approving a time off request also approves the use of accrued hours. Employees submit time off requests through the R365 Mobile app. Users with Manager Tools access can also create time off requests on behalf of employees.
Manager Tools permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:
View Announcements
Edit Announcements
Create Announcements
Delete Announcements
Blackout Days
View Blackout Days
Edit Blackout Days
Create Blackout Days
Delete Blackout Days
View Events
Edit Events
Create Events
Delete Events
Manager Tools
View Request Cutoff Settings
Edit Request Cutoff Settings
View Schedule Page
This permission grants access to the 'Time Off' tab
These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.
To access this page, first navigate to Smart Ops. In the left navigation pane, click 'Manager Tools' under 'Labor' to open the Manager Tools page.
Manager Tools Page
Button/Field | Description | |
1 | Announcements Tab | Lists all announcements sent out to employees. Users can view and edit existing announcements, as well as alert employees. |
2 | Blackout Days Tab | Lists all blackout days. Users can view and edit blackout days. |
3 | Events Tab | Lists all events. Users can view, edit, and delete existing events. |
4 | Request Cutoffs Tab | Lists each location and its configured request cutoff rule. Users can view and edit request cutoff rules. |
5 | Time Off Tab | Lists all time off requests for all locations. Users can view new and historical time off requests, as well approve, deny, or cancel individual time off requests. |
6 | Import Button | Opens the Import Events window. |
7 | +Create Button | Contains action buttons for creating the following: |