Hiring Steps
    • 30 Jun 2024
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    Hiring Steps

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    Article summary

    Hiring Steps help determine the hiring workflow for the Human Resources Team. These steps can be uniquely organized for each Job or to better reflect the Organization's overall Hiring Process via the Hiring Process window in System Settings

    Users will first need to set up Hiring Processes and select the desired Hiring Steps before creating Job postings.

    Creating Custom Hiring Steps

    Custom Hiring Steps can be easily created for any type of Hiring Process. Unless a process is cloned, a Custom Hiring Step cannot be copied or saved as an optional step for other Hiring Processes. 

    To create a Custom Hiring Step, click 'Settings' in the top ribbon of the Recruiting module, navigate to the 'Hiring Tools' tab, and click 'Hiring Process' in the left pane. The Hiring Process listing will appear with all default and User-created Hiring Processes. 

    Either create, clone, or edit a Hiring Process to create a Custom Step for it. When the 'Create Hiring Process' window opens, the Custom Hiring Step can be found at the bottom of the Hiring Steps listing. Clicking the plus signnext to this step will enable it to display an empty Hiring Step template in the Hiring Process, as shown in the image above.

    Enter in the necessary details and ensure to save the Hiring Step before adding another or saving the Hiring Process.

    Organizing Hiring Steps

    Hiring Steps can be reorganized as needed by clicking the Rearrange iconnext to the desired step and then dragging and dropping it elsewhere in the listing. Continue until all steps are arranged as needed. These icons will appear when Hiring Steps are added to the Hiring Process.

    To see these steps more condensed, click either the 'Save' or 'Save Changes' button next to or at the bottom of each Hiring Step.

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