The Product Mix - Year Over Year report lists Menu Items' current Sales Dollars against their prior year's Sales Dollars for the same days to show the year-over-year difference. The report can be ran for specific Menu Items or Menu Categories and reorganized to show menu trends that may help to make better business decisions around menu engineering, promotions, and more.
To navigate to the Product Mix - Year Over Year Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Sales' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown.
Find 'Product Mix - Year Over Year' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.
Report Parameters
Filter By - A listing of all Location categories
Filter - A listing of all Locations from the selected Location category
Initial View - This option will display a summarized or detailed version of the report
Start - The beginning date that the report is ran for
End - The end date that the report is ran until
Ranking Option - This will organize the report with the top 10 year-over-year, the bottom 10 year-over-year, or with no distinction
Menu Category - A listing of all Menu Item Categories that can be selected to filter the items in the report
Menu Items - A listing of all menu items that can be selected to filter the report
Run Button - Runs the report
Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.
Report Columns

Menu Item - A listing of all menu items for that Location. These are organized into Menu Item Categories
Current Qty - The quantity produced within the time frame selected
Current $ - The Total Sales Dollars of each menu item, totaled by Menu Item Categories, for the time frame selected
Prior Qty - The quantity produced the prior year, same days
Prior $ - The Total Sales Dollars of each menu item, totaled by Menu Item Categories, for the prior year, same days
YoY Difference - The difference between the Current Sales Dollars (#3) and the Prior Year's Sales Dollars (#5) for each menu item, totaled by Menu Item Categories
% Up / Down - The percentage the YoY Difference (#6) increased or decreased
Positive values will appear green and negative values will appear red
Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.