Publish or Unpublish Schedules

Shifts can be Published and Unpublished individually or in bulk by Employee, Job, or Department. Additionally, Individual Shifts can be Published or Unpublished by right-clicking the Shift and selecting the desired action. Each time a Shift is Published/Unpublished, Employees can be alerted about their corresponding Shift information. Managers also have the ability to return to a Shift and remind Employees of Shift details without the need for additional actions to take place.

Any Department or Job filters that are in place will also be in effect for Bulk Publishing, meaning that if your View only shows 1 Department, only the Shifts for that Department (that are currently visible on the Schedule Calendar) will be published.

Users with the following Permission will be able to Publish Shifts and Schedules:

  • Labor → Scheduling → Schedule → Publish/Unpublish Schedules

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

The 'Publish' button will be grayed out on a Schedule that doesn't have any Shifts on it as shown below:

Once at least one Shift has been created, it will turn blue and allow you to Publish that Shift.

Schedules can be Bulk Published using the following settings:

  • Publish by Department

  • Publish by Job

  • Publish by Employee

  • Publish & Alert

Once a Schedule is Published, Employees can be Alerted again of the upcoming Shifts via the 'Alert' option with the 'Publish Shifts' modal.

In clicking the 'Publish' button, the 'Publish Shifts' modal will appear where Shifts can be published by Employee, Job, or Department, depending on the selection made. From that selection, a drop-down listing will appear that displays the Employees who will receive the Alert about this action, unless deselected.

Each selected Employee, Employee from the selected Job(s), or Employee within the selected Department(s), depending on the initial selection made, will receive a notification that their Shift(s) has/have been Published via their preferred contact method (text or email or both) listed on their Employee Record.

The Alert function enables Managers to remind Employees about their Shifts after initially Publishing and Alerting Employees. This can be done by simply clicking the 'Alert' button listed within the 'Publish Shifts' modal.

When clicking the 'Publish' button, a Publish Check will occur to display any conflicts that exist in the Schedule. The following errors will be assessed during this check:

  • The number of days over budget, where the Scheduled Labor exceeds the Forecasted Hours

  • Any shifts that overlap for an Employee, either by the date, time, differing Locations, or Job Title

  • The Employees that are scheduled for Overtime

  • Any shifts that overlap with Time Off requests (both Pending and Approved)

  • Any shifts that overlap with Employee unavailability

  • Any shifts that violate Labor Rules

If one or more of these conflicts occur, a warning message will appear that disclaims the details of each conflict, as displayed above. The schedule can still be published regardless, but this message provides a way to review any potential issues with Scheduling.

Once at least one Shift has been Published, the down arrow on the 'Publish' button will become active where you can click it and toggle 'Unpublish', as shown below:

Once selected, the 'Publish' button will change to 'Unpublish':

Schedules can be Bulk Unpublished using the following settings:

  • Unpublish by Department

  • Unpublish by Job

  • Unpublish by Employee

  • Unpublish & Alert

Once a Schedule is Unpublished, Employees can be Alerted again that their Shifts were Unpublished via the 'Alert' option with the 'Unpublish Shifts' modal.

In clicking the 'Unpublish' button, the 'Unpublish Shifts' modal will appear where Shifts can be unpublished by Employee, Job, or Department, depending on the selection made. From that selection, a drop-down listing will appear that displays the Employees who will receive an Alert about this action, unless deselected.

Each selected Employee, Employee from the selected Job(s), or Employee within the selected Department(s), depending on the initial selection made, will receive a notification that their Shift(s) has/have been Published via their preferred contact method (text or email or both) listed on their Employee Record.

The Alert function enables Managers to remind Employees about their Shifts after initially Unpublishing and Alerting Employees. This can be done by simply clicking the 'Alert' button listed within the 'Unpublish Shifts' modal.

In place of performing Bulk Publish/Unpublish actions, you can individually Publish or Unpublish Shifts as needed. On the Schedule Calendar, when a Shift is Published (meaning it could be manually Unpublished) it will have a solid top right corner, as shown in #1 below. If a Shift is Unpublished (meaning it could be manually Published) it will have a notch taken out of its top right corner, as shown in #2 below.

To Individually Publish a Shift, right-click on the Shift, then select 'Publish'.

To Individually Unpublish a Shift, right-click on the Shift, then select 'Unpublish'.

When unassigned shifts are published, a shift offer request is created for employees to claim. If the shift’s date has passed and it is not claimed, the shift offer request is automatically canceled with a note stating that the shift expired.

Published unassigned shifts that are not claimed remain on the schedule. Published unassigned shifts can be included when the schedule is used to populate shifts on future schedules.

When necessary, users can manually delete unpublished, unassigned shifts. These can be deleted individually or in bulk in day view or week view to quickly remove shifts that are no longer needed.