DSS GL Account Mapping Report
    • 10 Jul 2024
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    DSS GL Account Mapping Report

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    Article summary

    The GL Account Mapping Report is located within the 'Action' menu of a DSS. This report is used to break down all of the Payment Types and Sales Accounts for a given day. Analyze this report first to see if mapping issues occurred.

    If the GL Account Mapping is correct, navigate to the DSS Validation Report to access why the Sales Accounts and Payment Types were not balanced.

    Report Columns

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    1) GL Account Name - The name of all GL Accounts assigned to each type of sale

    2) Sales Account Category - The sales category assigned from your POS after the first import

    3) Amount - The amount of sales reported to that GL Account

    4) GL Type - The GL Type assigned to the GL Account

    5) Sales Account Type - This type tells the system how to account for each Sales Account. Each GL Account is assigned to a Sales Account via the Sales Account record

    6) Payment Type Name - The name given to payments and discounts in your POS that was imported into R365

    7) Payment Group - The group assigned to each payment type in R365

    8) DSS - This drop-down selector enables a User to select any DSS polled into R365. Each DSS listed is organized by Location and then date

    9) View Report - Click this button to run the report for the selected DSS

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