Pulling Data from QuickBooks® Desktop for R365 Migration
    • 05 Jun 2024
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    Pulling Data from QuickBooks® Desktop for R365 Migration

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    Article summary

    During the final stages of Onboarding, a Data Import Specialist will contact you or your team about downloading and preparing four data files for import into R365, which include the Trial Balances and transaction information for the current and previous fiscal years. These files are the foundation of your R365 system setup. 

    The steps below help to guide a User through the process of downloading these files for R365 Data Migration. 

    Running Reports in QuickBooks Desktop


    The two most important reports for a successful data migration are the Trial Balance and Transaction Detail by Account reports. To navigate to these reports, navigate to 'Reports' in the left navigation menu and click 'Accountant & Taxes'. A listing of all reports will appear. 

    Trial Balance

    The Trial Balance report will be listed under 'Account Activity' in the 'Accountant & Taxes' Section of 'Reports'. Two Trial Balance files will need to be exported and sent to the R365 Data Import Team:

    • The Fiscal Year End Trial Balance for the fiscal year end of the year prior to your data migration (if your data migration begins in 2018, then the 2017 Fiscal Year Trial Balance will be needed)

    • The Trial Balance as of the final day in QuickBooks before the 'Go Live' Date (if the 'Go Live' Date is 11/19/2019, then this report should be ran for 11/18/2019) 

    When the date field is updated, click theRun button to view the report.

    The Trial Balance Report will populate the screen for the selected date range. Ensure that the 'Report Basis' is set to 'Accrual' in the top header . To download the report, navigate to the 'Excel' menu in the header and click 'Create New Worksheet'. A 'Send Report to Excel' pop-up window will appear where you will click 'Create new worksheet' to download this report to your computer.

    Transaction Detail by Account

    The Transaction Detail by Account report will be listed under 'Account Activity' in the 'Accountant & Taxes' section of 'Reports'. Two Transaction Detail by Account reports will need to be exported and sent to the R365 Data Import Team:

    • The Transaction Details Report for the previous fiscal year (2018 in the example above)

    • The Transaction Details Report for the current fiscal year (2019 in the example above)

      Ensure that Classes are included on these reports if used in QuickBooks

    When the date field is updated, click the Run button to view the report.

    The Transaction Detail by Account report will populate the screen for the selected date range. Before downloading this report, click 'Customize' in the top header of the report. 

    A pop-up window will appear that includes all of the settings that can be adjusted for this report. In the 'Columns' section, type in 'Debit' in the 'Search Columns' field. Click 'Debit' when it appears in the listen below and a check mark will appear next to it. This shows that it will now be included in the report columns. Repeat this process by adding in a 'Credit' column as well. When both 'Debit' and 'Credit' are marked, click 'Ok' and both columns will be added to the report. 

    Ensure that the 'Report Basis' is set to 'Accrual' in the top header. Then, once more, navigate to the 'Excel' menu in the header and click 'Create New Worksheet'. A 'Send Report to Excel' pop-up window will appear where you will click 'Create new worksheet' to download this report to your computer.

    If an error message appears notifying you of missing information, it is often due to the report size being too large. Therefore, it is recommended to break the report into smaller chucks, such as by Quarters, to alleviate this issue.

    Send Files to R365 Data Import Specialist

    Once all four files are downloaded and saved in the manner mentioned above, they are ready to sent to your R365 Data Import Specialist.

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