The Item Cost Analysis by Location Report shows total purchases over the date range of the report that are broken out by COGS Category per Location. Hyperlinked items enable a User to drill into the report to review the current cost and recent transactions. It is important to note that this report only analyzes purchases and does not factor in inventory.
This report is beneficial in checking the total purchases for each category or item with Categories and Locations side-by-side. The totals and averages can then be used in future negotiations with Vendors on price breaks based on historical volumes.
To navigate to the Item Cost Analysis by Location Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Purch. & Inv.' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown.
Find 'Item Cost Analysis by Location' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.
Report Parameters

Filter By - A listing of all Location categories
Filter - A listing of all Locations based on the Location category selected
Start Date - The beginning date for the report
End Date - The end date for the report
Show Unapproved - This will either show or hide Unapproved counts and transactions
Run Button - Runs the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion and selecting the desired action. Click here to learn more about this functionality
Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.
Report Columns
COGS Category - A listing of all COGS Categories by Operational Reports Categories and broken down by Item Category and, further, Item. The Item names are hyperlinked to their item records so a User can see their current cost and recent transactions
Location Columns - This column and the following list all Locations selected in the report parameters alphabetically
Total -The summation of each Item Category cost from all Locations as well as the summation of each Item cost from all Locations from the selected date range
Average - The average cost of the Item Category and Item from a historical standpoint
Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.