    • 05 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Article summary

    The Check Report displays all the checks from a selected payment run. Run this report to review or reprint past checks. Once the Check Report has been exported to the user's device, they can easily review the information attached to the payment, including the invoice number and the location number.

    Because the check is automatically downloaded as a PDF, any viewer with access to the report can see and print checks. When running the report, users can opt to add a signature to the final PDF. For this reason, please be mindful when assigning users to roles that allow access to this report.

    1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
      The My Reports screen appears.

    2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Banking.
      The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.

    3. Locate the Check Report.

    4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.

    Report Parameters



    Check Run

    Payment run for which to generate checks.


    If Yes is selected, the checks include a signature on the signature line.

    View options

    Provides the user with options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.
    For more information about these controls, see My Reports: Using My Reports.


    Downloads a PDF containing all checks included on the selected payment run to the user's device.

    Report Details




    Name, address, and phone number of the location associated with the payment.


    Name and routing number of the bank used to make the payment.

    Check Number

    Number for the check, as written on the AP Payment Record.


    Date when the payment run was submitted.

    Pay To The Order Of

    Name of the vendor to whom the payment was sent.


    Amount paid to the vendor, in numerals.

    Amount Text

    Amount paid to the vendor, in words.


    A note about the payment, such as a description of items or services purchased.

    Signature Line

    Line on which to write a signature. If Yes was selected on the Signature parameter, a signature is already written on this line.


    Date on the invoice.

    Invoice Number

    Number used to identify the invoice.


    Location associated with the invoice.

    Orig. Amount

    Original amount to be paid on the invoice.

    Balance Due

    Amount due on the invoice.


    Discounts applied to the invoice.

    This Check

    Amount paid by the check.


    Any credits applied from prior AP credit memos.

    Credit Number

    Credit memo number associated with the credits.

    Check Total Amount

    Total amount of all checks on the payment run.

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