My Schedule
    • 26 Jun 2024
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    My Schedule

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    Article summary

    This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training.

    Users can view their work schedule from the R365 App. On the mobile dashboard, a Schedule widget offers a quick look at the week and shifts ahead. Tapping the widget will open the user's schedule screen, where they can view all their scheduled shifts for the days ahead. 

    From the Schedule widget or the Schedule screen, users can also make schedule requests like trading, offering, and claiming shifts. To learn more about making schedule requests, click here.

    Schedule Widget

    The schedule widget can be found on the mobile dashboard. It shows users the following information:



    Widget Name: Schedule

    Tap to open the Schedule screen. 

    Hours Worked

    Number of hours worked in the current schedule as of the current date.

    Hours Remaining

    Number of scheduled hours remaining that still need to be worked.

    Tapping either # of hours will open the quick look ahead at the calendar.

    Upcoming Shifts

    Upcoming shifts and necessary shift info including the following:

    • Date of the shift

    • Time of the shift 

    • Job code for the shift

    Swiping this section will show additional shifts. Tapping this section will allow users to trade or offer the shift.

    Schedule Screen

    Users can access the Schedule calendar screen either by selecting Schedule from under Scheduling in the mobile navigation menu or by tapping the Schedule widget on the mobile dashboard.

    My Schedule

    From My Schedule , users can view their upcoming shifts, view shift details, view schedule requests and their statuses, and access their employee profile. 



    Date Frame

    The week currently in view. All shifts listed are for the date parameters shown. 

    Next/Previous Week

    Tap the forward or back arrows to view the next or previous week(s) 

    My Schedule

    All shifts assigned to the user will be listed here. 

    Restaurant Schedule

    Tap to view a list of all published shifts for the restaurant for each day.

    Tapping a date will open a detailed list of all the shifts assigned so that users can select open shifts to claim or other employee shifts to trade. 

    Shift List

    The list of all shifts including the following information:

    • Date of the shift

    • Time of the shift

    • Job for shift

    • Length of shift in hours

    When a user is not scheduled, and an open shift exists, the date will be flagged with a # Open Shift notice. These can be claimed with manager approval.


    Tap to view all incoming and outgoing schedule requests. 


    Tap to open the employee user profile. 

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