Location Record

The Location record is where information related to a specific restaurant location resides in the system. When a location is selected from the list on the Locations page, the Location record opens with the General tab selected by default. 

In addition to the information found on the General tab, the record provides more details about the location on the following tabs: Default Accounts tab, Goals tab, and the Day Parts tab.

If Sales and Labor data should be pulled for a location, ensure to update the POS Import Type field on the General tab and other POS Integration Settings in preparation for POS Implementation. Without updating this information, DSS records cannot be polled into your R365 instance.

In the Administration section of the left navigation pane, select Locations.  This Locations list will open.

Upon accessing the Location page, the table populates with each location in your organization. Double-click a location to open details in a new tab. To open a location profile, select the blue info icon.

The General tab displays the location name, number, contact information, POS import type, and other Restaurant365 location settings.




Location Name

Unique name for the location.

This field is required.


Location Number

Unique identification number for the location.

This field is required.


Legal Entity

Legal entity associated with the location.

This field is required.


Check Name

Client associated with the location.

This field works in conjunction with the client record and is optional.

Only one client can be connected to each location, unless the Set for All Locations toggle is ON in the client record.


Time Zone

Physical address of the location.

  • Street 1 - Street address. This field is required.

  • Street 2 - Street address, continued.

  • City - City. This field is required.

  • Time Zone - Time zone for the location. This field is required.


Edit Location Profile

The location profile includes additional details about your restaurant, which can be used to compare your restaurant's performance to other restaurants with the same attributes.

This link only appears if the Location Type is set to Restaurant.



Shipping address of the location. This should include the street address, city, state, zip code, and country.

Addresses on the location record are entered using address verification.


Separate Billing Address

When toggled off, the Shipping Address will be both the shipping and billing address. When toggled on, a separate address field will appear for users to enter their billing address.




Location Manager

Primary manager for the location who will receive notifications for employee schedule requests. Learn more about managing schedule requests in the Manager Queue here.

If your organization is integrated with a labor-tracking POS system, employee information automatically populates in the field. Select an employee from the list to assign the employee as a Location Manager.

For non-labor tracking POS systems, employee records can be created manually, which would then allow a Location Manager to be assigned. Learn how to create employee records.


POS Import Type

Each location has the option to be POS integrated. Some locations will not need POS integration, as they are not operations locations. Use this drop-down menu to select the type of POS import for this location. The three options are: None, Sales, and Sales and Labor. The following additional tabs appear depending on your selection:

  • None - No additional tabs appear

  • Sales - The POS Integration Settings tab appears.

  • Sales and Labor - The Labor Estimates tab and the POS Integration Settings tab appear.


Date Established

Date when the location was first established or opened for business.



For restaurant groups utilizing the Commissary Module in Restaurant365, the Commissary Location for this location is selected in this field.


Catering Item Type Template

Select the catering item type template to assign to the location.


Exclude From Schedule

Removes the location from the following screens:

This checkbox is hidden if Scheduling is not enabled.




Sales Tax Rate

The value in this field, entered as a whole number, reflects the sales tax rate or percent for the location. For example, a Sales Tax Rate of 8% would be entered as 8.


Phone / Fax

Optional fields used to record up to two phone numbers and one fax number for the location.


Comp Start Date / Comp End Date

Enter comparison dates to group locations that are comparable with prior years' data in reports.

  • Comparison Start Date - If a location has been open more more than one year, it is considered comparable with prior years data. When a location reaches this benchmark, the Comp Start Date can be selected here. Going forward on various reports in Restaurant365, this location will be listed with the Comp Locations, as opposed to the non-Comp Locations.

  • Comparison End Date - If a location is closing temporarily or permanently, you can specify a Comp End Date in this field to remove the location from Comp Locations on various reports.


Location Type

Select the Location Type for the location. Location Types determine how the location is used throughout R365. Options include:

  • Accounting Entity 

  • Commissary

  • Restaurant

Ensure that all restaurant locations have this field set to Restaurant to gain access to current and future Operations screens.


Food Type

Food type for the location.


IRS Establishment Number

The IRS requires that an establishment number is assigned to each location for reporting in IRS Form 8027. Including this establishment number on the Location Record helps to ensure accurate reporting and filing.

This number can include up to 5 digits.

Use the Default Accounts tab to set the Default Checking, Over/Short, Deposit, and Credit Expected Accounts.



Checking Account

Select the default checking account for the location. If no accounts are available, ensure that the bank accounts on the GL are set up correctly.

For more information, see Bank Account Setup and Bank Records.

Deposit Account (Undeposited Funds)

Select the default deposit account for the location. As a best practice in Restaurant365, we recommend using Undeposited Funds as opposed to a checking account.

Over/Short Account

Select the default over/short account for the location.

Credit Expected Account

Select the default credit expected account for the location. This account is used to track credits that are owed to the location.

The Labor Estimates tab appears when POS Import Type is set to Sales and Labor (as shown in the General section). On this tab Accrued Payroll, Manager Payroll, and Payroll Tax, Benefit, and other settings are established for the location.



Accrued Payroll Account

Select the accrued payroll account. Restaurant365 can keep track of your daily labor costs (when utilizing a POS system where labor is tracked) and post a daily labor accrual to the selected account.

Daily Manager Salary

To obtain a true daily snapshot of labor costs, salaried employee wages must be captured as well. Restaurant365 can account for the Daily Manager Salary expense via a static amount we enter as a number value in this field.

For example, if the weekly expense for salaried management labor is $1000, that amount is divided by 7 to calculate the daily expense.

$1000 / 7 = $143.00

Similarly, if the annual expense for salaried management labor is $52,195, the amount is divided by 365 to calculate the daily expense.

$52,195/365 = $143.00

In both examples above, the Daily Manager Salary is 143.

Manager Payroll Account

Select the account in which the Daily Manager Salary is recorded.

Payroll Location ID

Enter the payroll number associated with the location. This information can be found on the Payroll Connect screen.

Payroll Tax % Estimate

Enter the Payroll Tax Percent Estimate for this location (8% = 8).

Payroll Benefit % Estimate

Enter the Payroll Benefit Percent Estimate for this location here (2.5% = 2.5).

Payroll Other % Estimate

Enter the Payroll Other Percent Estimate for this location here (1.5% = 1.5). This is commonly used for worker's compensation.

Payroll Tax Estimate Account

Select the account in which the Payroll Tax Percent Estimate is recorded.

Payroll Benefit Estimate Account

Select the account in which the Payroll Benefit Percent Estimate is recorded.

Payroll Other Estimate Account

Select the account in which the Payroll Other Percent Estimate is recorded.

The POS Integration Settings tab appears when the POS Import Type is set to Sales or Sales and Labor (as shown in the General section). On this tab additional POS settings such as Petty Cash in Daily Close, Pay Tips with Payroll and Overtime Tracking values are set. Click here for more information about POS Integration Settings.



POS System

Name of the POS system used at this location.

Download Setup

The POS Integration Specialist uses this button to download the R365 Connect Installer. Click here to learn more about the R365 Connect Installer

Online Order Employee

For the purpose of tip automation, all sales must be associated with an employee. The employee selected from the drop-down will be associated with all sales tickets that are not already associated with an employee or shift. Tips and sales totals from these sales tickets are attributed to the online ordering employee in tip distributions.

Only employees with Directly Tipped jobs are available to select from the drop-down. For more information about tip designations for jobs, see Tip Management.

Polling Period

When Intraday Polling is enabled, the number of locations with this active feature will be displayed alongside the two options below:

  • Previous Day - Displays the Sales and Labor data for the previous day in the Smart Labor Experience. This is the default selection.

  • Current Day (XXX) - Indicates the capabilities of the POS system. Options include:

    • Current Day (Not Available) - The POS is not capable of providing current day data or the integration has not been set up for the current day.

    • Current Day (Hourly) - The POS is only capable of hourly updates.

    • Current Day (30 minutes) - The POS can only provide updates every half hour.

    • Current Day (15 minutes)- The POS is capable of providing updates every 15 minutes. This is the most real-time option available.

POS Import Start

Date on which the POS integration tool begins importing DSS data. Sample data is polled for testing purposes.

The POS Integration tool continually looks back at the previous 30 days to see if any DSS records are missing or updated. During initial setup, the previous 30 days worth of DSSs will be imported after your integration has been completed. When you arrive at your Go Live date, you can delete the test data. The POS Integration tool will no longer import test data from before the date set on this field.

POS Group

Select the POS Group for the location. This field is typically used only by enterprise clients with 100 locations or more. Click here for more information on POS Groups.

SOS System

Name of the system from which R365 polls speed of service data, if enabled.

This field is only available if speed of service is enabled. For more information about speed of service, see Operations Dashboard.

SOS Start Date

Date on which the speed of service integration begins polling data, if enabled.

This field is only available if speed of service is enabled. For more information about speed of service, see Operations Dashboard.

Schedule Writeback

If selected, the Schedule Writeback feature is enabled for this location. Schedules created in R365 are sent to the POS to limit early clock-in and gain more control over labor costs.

This field is only available with certain POS systems.

Petty Cash in Daily Close

If selected, two additional fields appear on the Deposit tab in the Daily Sales Summary for this location. Typically organizations that use petty cash in daily close are paying out non-cash tips (credit card tips) in excess of the cash receipts for the day. The remaining non-cash tips are then funded From Petty Cash, depleting the Petty Cash balance. In the event that the cash receipts for the day were sufficient to cover non-cash tips, the excess cash could be deposited To Petty Cash, increasing the Petty Cash balance.

If the checkbox is selected, the following value fields are included on all DSS files for this location: To Petty Cash and From Petty Cash.

Any DSS file that was imported prior to selecting the checkbox will not include these additional fields. If you need to retroactively add these fields to your previously-imported DSS file, the DSS must be deleted and re-imported. Work with your Setup Coach to determine if the POS Data is still available and can be re-imported.

Pay Tips With Payroll

If selected, the location pays out tips via payroll. Selecting this checkbox creates a line item on the DSS Journal Entry where tips are recorded as a liability in the corresponding account.


If selected, Data Transfer Service (DTS) must be installed on the physical location for integration to flow correctly.

Till Management

If selected, the location uses the Till Management feature in Smart Ops.

POS Import Time

Sets the daily DSS import time for this location. Import Time should be set to a time after your POS has run end of day. A common Import Time for most Locations is 03:00 or 04:00.

The DSS that is imported at this time is the prior day's sales, not the current day's sales.

Start of Business Day Time

Time at which the new business day begins. Click here to learn about Start of Day configuration.

The Start of Business Day Time should match the POS End of Day Time and must be earlier than the POS Import Time.

Effective Date

Date when the Start of Business Day Time is effective for this location.

Petty Cash Account

Account in which petty cash debits/credits are recorded for the location.

Tips Payable Account

Account in which the Tips Payable is recorded on the DSS Journal Entry and Payroll Journal Entries.

Punch Edits

Dictates how punch edits are managed for this location. Options include: Managed in POS and Managed in R365.

This field only appears if Punch Edits have been enabled for your organization.

Enable Manual Tip Import

If selected, Tip Import is enabled for the location.

This field only appears if Punch Edits have been enabled for your organization.

Tip Import cannot be enabled if tip automation rules have been created for the location.

Overtime Tracking

Determines how OT values are calculated and displayed on the Labor tab of the DSS. Options include:

  • Tracked in POS - Any OT Calculations will occur on the POS and OT Values will be imported after they have been calculated on the POS. R365 will not perform any OT calculations

  • R365 OT Rules- R365 will calculate OT values based on the User-created OT Rules setup on the Overtime Rules tab of the Admin page in the Smart Ops Release.

    • If your organization is utilizing R365 Punch Edits, this option is the only available option.

The Over 40 hrs/wk and Over 8 hrs/day and 40/wk options were deprecated in May 2023. Any locations using these options have been converted to R365 OT Rules.

Sales Account Import Type

Type of Sales Account that is imported from the POS. This field has three options:

  • Service Type

  • Revenue Center

  • Revenue Center & Service Type

This field is only available for certain POS systems.

Payment Type Import Type

Type of Payment Type that is imported from the POS. This field has two options:

  • None

  • Revenue Center

This field is only available for certain POS systems.

On the Goals tab, Labor %, Sales Increase and Daily Target Avg Check are identified for each location. Additionally, Sales and Labor % Goals can be entered by day. The values entered on the Goals tab are used on the Weekly Sales & Labor report (found in My Reports, in the Sales section), as well as the Schedule Calendar in the Scheduling Module. With the release of New Scheduling, SPLH Goals and Labor % Goals can also be set on the Department record.




Status Based On

This selector was used on legacy operations reports and is currently deactivated. It will be removed or re-purposed in the future.


Labor % Goal

Labor Percent Goal for the location.


Sales per Labor Hour Goal

SPLH Goal for the location. SPLH Goals are used to calculate Suggested Hours in the Scheduling Module.


Sales Increase % Goal

Sales Increase Percent Goal for the location.


Daily Target Avg Check

Daily Target Average Check amount for the location.


Enable Smart Labor for this Location

If selected, this location is enabled in Smart Labor Experience.


Sales Goal by Day

Sales Goals by Day for the location.


Labor % Goal by Day

Labor Percentage Goals by Day for the location. Labor % Goals can also be set on the department record.


SPLH Goal by Day

SPLH Goal by day for the location. SPLH Goals are used to determine Suggested Hours in the Scheduling Module. SPLH Goals can also be set on the department record.

Each location can have separate and distinct day parts. Create and manage day parts on the Day Parts tab.



Day Part Name

Name for the part of the day.

The Flash Report - Advanced report will only contain DSS data from Day Parts with the names of Lunch or Dinner.

Day Part Start Time

Time when the corresponding day part begins. The end time is determined by the next Day Part Start Time.

Day Part Avg Check Goal

Average check goal for the corresponding day part.

The Breaks & Split tab was deprecated in May of 2023. Break and Split Shift Rules are now configured on the Labor Admin page.

Location Reporting Categories are custom categories set in System Preferences or on the Setup Assistant. These categories are the parent location reporting categories, which can be customized for your organization's use. Any parent location reporting categories that have been created will be listed on this tab along with a selector to choose the option within the category. 

The Additional Info tab appears if you have set up Location Additional Info categories in System Preferences.

These fields can be used for identification and reference on the location record. There are 3 numeric fields and 2 text-based fields available for use and customization.

The Active Logs tab contains a list of all available logs from the Manager Log. Activate or deactivate logs using this tab. For more information, see Classic Manager Log.

The Status tab enables admin users to mark the location as inactive. From this tab, users can mark the location as unavailable on AP/AR invoices, AP/AR credit memos, and journal entries, ensuring that no AP/AR Transaction is tied to a closed store.

 Transaction templates, such as Spreading Transactions, Memorized Transactions, GL Allocation, Preset Allocation, Reversal Transactions, and Voiding Transactions, will still be created for inactive locations, but an error message will appear when the transaction is opened to alert the User that the location is inactive and a new location needs to be selected.

A new Status column appears on the Locations page and shows which locations are fully active or partially active. This column will be listed before the Created By column but can be moved as needed to better display active locations. The available statuses include:

  • Active - No transactions are selected as inactive on the location's Status tab.

  • Partially Inactive - At least one transaction is selected as inactive on the location's Status tab.