Budget Parameters

This article describes Budget Parameters in the Advanced Budgeting feature of Restaurant365.

Budgets can be created and saved with the following parameters:

  • Current and future years

  • Single location or multiple locations

  • By period or by week

  • Using the fiscal or operational calendar

  • For use in the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement




Year to which the budget applies.


One or more locations to which the budget applies.

If the selected locations belong to different legal entities, the budget uses periods or weeks from the legal entity of the location that was selected first.

Budget By

Determines whether the budget is set by period or by week.

Calendar Type

Determines whether the budget uses the operational calendar or the fiscal calendar.

The budget can only be used to run the Profit and Loss statement if the budget uses the same calendar type as the report.

Account Type

Determines which accounts are used for the budget.


Name of the budget. Budgets need a unique and descriptive name so that users can easily select or view the correct budget when working in Accounting.

Reporting Budget

If selected, the budget becomes the default budget used in My Reports for the selected location(s).

Start With

Determines whether the budget is based on:

  • Prior Year Actuals - Creates the budget based on actual data from the previous year. If prior year data does not exist in R365, values are set to zero.

  • Copy Other Budget - Creates the budget using information from the previously created budget.

  • Blank Budget - Creates a budget from scratch so that information can be entered manually.