Bank Record
    • 16 Jul 2024
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    Bank Record

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    Article summary

    Bank records exist to allow you to perform ACH and Positive Pay exports from the Check Run Screen. Before Direct Bank Connections were introduced, the Bank record was also used to allow Users of specific Banks to import their Bank Activity directly to the Bank Activity screen. This feature is no longer supported with the release of Direct Bank Connections.

    Banks are assigned on the Bank Account record, and are not required for use with Direct Bank Connections. Banks are required if you intend to export ACH or Positive Pay Reports from the Check Run Screen. A Bank record must be created for each different Bank that will be represented by Bank Accounts in your General Ledger that will be used to export ACH or Positive Pay. If you do not intend to export ACH or Positive Pay, you do not need to create or assign Bank records to your Bank Account records.

    Create a Bank

    There are two ways to create a Bank in R365, the first is from the Banking menu on the top ribbon. Hover over 'Banking' and select 'New Bank'.

    The second option is to create a Bank from within a Bank Account Record that you are setting up. First, confirm that your Bank does not already exist in the system by clicking the 'Bank' selector. If the desired Bank is not present, click on the blue 'Bank' field label to the left of the Bank selector and a blank Bank record will open in a new tab.

    Saving a Bank Record

    Once a new Bank record has been opened, complete the 'Name' value (1) and Save the record. If you will be using this Bank to produce ACH Exports (2), or Positive Pay Exports (3), ensure to set both Export types on this record and then Save the record to complete the Bank creation process.

    Import Settings

    The 'Import Settings' section on the Bank record is no longer supported in R365. These fields are for a deprecated Bank Import function that existed for specific Banks before Direct Bank Connections were introduced.

    Please refer to the Direct Bank Connections documentation for more information. While adding values to these fields will not cause any harm, we recommend that they are left blank as they are fully deprecated.

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