Legal Entities & Locations

Legal Entity Record
Legal entities are companies that own locations. Each location must belong to a legal entity, and when a transa...
Location Record
The Location record is where information related to a specific restaurant location resides in the system. When a loc...
Add a New Location
Location Records can be created via the Restaurant365 Setup Assistant. Users with the following Permission will be a...
Location Groups: Overview
This article reviews the Location Groups feature.  Location Groups are used to spread AP Invoices and Journal En...
Delete a Location
Locations in R365 can be deleted if necessary, but only when every transaction / record that was ever associated wit...
Inactivate a Location
If a Restaurant Location closes, certain transactions can be marked as 'Inactive' from the Location record. ...
Location Profile
The Location Profile provides a further look into the attributes of your restaurant Locations. The Location Profile ...
Location Reporting Categories
Location Reporting Categories are custom categories that are used for reporting and grouping your Locations. Yo...
Location Types
A Location Type is a required field in the Location record that groups Locations based on if they are an Accoun...
Sales Account Import Types
Sales Account Import Types are the type of Sales Accounts brought in from the POS. Depending on the POS System,...